Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

Funny Games - 8/10 (9/10 for performances)

Nice thriller. Might be little too slow, too silent for some people but I enjoyed it.

There are some parts which I found slightly annoying/weird/unnecessary but telling those would be spoilers, besides those are very few. All in all, nice one.
outsourced 6.5/10 too mushy for my liking

collateral 8/10 freaing brilliant tom cruise and jamie foxx

fargo 7.5/10 antohter brill flick from coen brothers
Role Models (2009) -----> 6.5/10

Quantum of Solace (2008) -----> 4/10

Bolt (2009) -----> 7/10

Oye Lucky, Lucky Oye -----> 7/10

Body of Lies -----> 6.5/10

C Kompany -----> 6/10 (watch it)

Eden Lake -----> 7/10 (could not watch after 30 mins.. too much gore)

Rescue Dawn -----> 6.5/10 (bale kare balle balle)

Pride and Glory -----> 7.5/10

Changeling -----> 8/10 ( angelina can act !! )
jampack said:
Dinesh, ur dog must be cursing u for being so late for his dinner

Seeing how Dinesh doesn't like gory movies, I hope Bruno doesn't make dinner out of him for being so late. (LOL, Dinner out of Dinesh. That sounds weird :P).
Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe ----- > Star Movies (10/10 amazing movie, scripts, dialgs, acting, Pierce Brosnan, all ROCKED!!)

Robber Bride -------> HBO

...Late Night / Early Morning shows on TV :cool2:
iGo said:
Seeing how Dinesh doesn't like gory movies, I hope Bruno doesn't make dinner out of him for being so late. (LOL, Dinner out of Dinesh. That sounds weird :P).


arre i do like gory movies....
but somehow i couldnt force myself to watch eden lake anymore....

*bruno eats cooked food* ------> Only
Gulaal : 3/5

First day first show :D Anurag khasyap has once again delivered a solid film although this time its just short of becoming a classic. The guy playing "Ransa" is mindblowing, I wish he had a larger role in this movie. The direction is good, acting is awesome and the story impressive. The movie drags sometimes which is one if its shortcomings. The guy in the lead role is average too and the music lackluster except for 1 or 2 songs. But its definitely worth a watch especially if you are a kashyap fan.