Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

Movie Wish List 3

Here is my third list of the movies collected in over months from this thread. I have taken only movies which had a higher rating. Hope this helps people to lock on to a movie they want to see. Personally I have been using this thread to decide on which movie I want to see.
Entries listed in the order

Movie Name | rating | Comments

La Vita è bella |9/10 | (True Classic!)
The blair witch project | 7 out of 10
Shutter |8/10 |(Thai horror)
The eye | 8/10 |(Japanese horror)
Outlander | 4/10
Afro samurai: resurrection | 7/10
Madagascar back to africa | 6/10
Body of lies | 6.5/10
Rock N rolla | 7/10
Bolt | 8.5/10 | another good one by disney
Dev.d | 8.5/10
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas (2008)
Rec (spanish)| 9/10 |Must watch movie. Prepared to be scared.
Banlieue 13 |8/10
Before the Rains | 8/10| nice movie!!
Rockford | 7.5/10 | too old for it now
Felon | 9/10
Maachis (1996) | 9.5/10
Twilight |10/10
how to lose a guy in 10 days| 9.5/10.
Modern Times |10/10
The Stoneman Murders |7.5/10
8MM | 7.5/10.
Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid | 8 / 10
Glengarry Glen Ross | 10/10
MouseHunt | 9/10
Hard Candy | 7/10
RocknRolla | 8.5/10
All are awesome | 8.5/10
M | 9/10 |A Classic!
Patton | 8.5/10 | Nice!
The Green Mile | 9.5/10
Bedtime Stories | 7/10
Oye lucky Oye | 9/10
samurai rebellion | 8/10
Protege | 9/10
Wild Things | 8/10
IP Man | 9/10
Thick As Thieves | 8/10
Burn After Reading | 8.5/10
The Battle of Algiers | 8.3/10
Bad Santa | 8/10
High Noon | 8/10
en to Chihiro no kamikakushi | 9.5/10
Thank You for Smoking (2005)| 9/10
Princess Mononoke | 8.9/10
Revolution OS | 10/10
Three Kings | 7.8/10
Tahaan | 9/10
Children Of Men | 8/10
Flag of our Fathers | 7/10
Waltz with Bashir | 8.8/10
Grave of the Fireflies ~ 9/10
The Midnight Meat Train - 8/10
Babysitter Wanted - 7/10
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre | 8.7/10
The Weather Man | 8/10
into the wild | 9/10
underworld 3 | 9/10
Australia | 7.5/10
Back To Future 1,2,3 | 9/10
The Wild Bunch | 8.8/10
Taking Chance | 9.5/10
Van Wilder Party Liaison | 9/10
Van Wilder 2: Rise of Taj | 8/10
Man_on_wire | 8/10
Swades | 10/10 | Hindi movie
Role Models | 7/10
The Devil wears Prada | 7.8/10
Ip Man | 7.5/10 | very good martial arts movie after a long time.
Felon | 8/10
Punisher: Warzone | 8/10
Bangkok Dangerous | 7/10