Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

They're not that great anyway. .. and the movie sucks bigtime.

Apparently you didnt get it cause IMDB 8.0/10 60,409 votes and my friends in US who watched it say otherwise.

Director Zack snider.?????? Is a must watch.
madmaniac said:
Apparently you didnt get it cause IMDB 8.0/10 60,409 votes and my friends in US who watched it say otherwise.

Director Zack snider.?????? Is a must watch.

Well, if you're one of those Big Bang theory-like adult comic book geeks, you'll probably like it no matter how bad it was, but for me, it was the worst movie I've ever seen since the Nicolas Cage starrer Ghost Rider. I mean, yeah there was blood and all, but apart from 15 minutes of Rorshach's craziness, I thought the movie's plot was just ridiculous. So basically, I'd almost certainly hate the comic if I read it. Then again, I thought Iron Man was fairly average, so it could just be me.

And FYI, I don't see the big deal in "getting" comic book trash. I enjoy actual movies, and don't feel the need to like a movie just because people at IMDB think it's great.
Except IMDB , safe heaven for Comic book films(its of Top 250 already, btw), Watchmen is getting pwned everywhere. RT- 64 % . Box office wise it's collection is pretty bad!!

I've not read the comics books(or graphics novel...duh!!!) but I've seen the animated motion comics,which is said to be as good as reading comics. I found it pretentious and boring!!! So I don't think the film will be any different!
Saw Martyrs. Probably of most ridiculously violent and excessive movie I've seen, especially the second half which I regret even forwarding through to the end. I wish I hadn't. Normally steer clear of such movies from their description but this one I watched without checking out its synopsis or anything.
Watchmen - 7/10

Had it not been for stupid plot changes and lack of blood/gore (in climax) for whatever reason, I would give it a 8-8.5 points.... but those stupid studio decisions pissed me a lot (they even cut off the scene where young rorsharch bites a bullies ear off).

Off-course, there is no denying that it's impossible to capture the whole soul of Watchmen in single movie and the original graphic novel is still the best thing.