Saw less than half (which i guess was the mid part of the movie, not even beginning or ending) 40 Year old Virgin.. planning to see the whole movie soon.
@Darth and Shailesh, just wondering, have you read the Gr.Novel ? Because one of my friends saw it, and he said that his other friends didn't like the movie because they hadn't read the novel, while he liked it since he had read it.
Well, the same thing happened to me... I liked the movie as I wrote in my post, but two of my friends didn't like it that much. To be more specific one of them didn't like it at all, the other one found it okay. He found it interesting but not that great. I loved it (apart from few things like I mentioned earlier). Like Ambar's friend, I had read the graphic novel and they hadn't. That's one difference I noticed in people who liked the movie and people who didn't. As matter of fact, I'm writing a blog article on the same experience... the novel, the movie, people who liked it and people who didn't and what was wrong in this movie from my (as a reader of original novel) perspective.
That's just it. I've never read a single Spider-Man comic in my life, yet I liked that movie. And I can assure you that the makers of Watchmen didn't piss away millions and make the movie for just the people who'd read the novels; hence, FAIL.
On a sidenote, I know no Bollywood movie is in IMDB's Top 250, but I was surprised to see a Bollywood in IMDB's Bottom 100. RGV Ke Aag is no.33 on that list xD