Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl - 9/10. Totally entertaining & an excellent performance by Depp. :)

The Amityville Horror - 7/10.


Its out there :)
Employee of The Month - 7/10

Pretty funny and timepass movie... There is nothing special to write about it, but it's a nice entertainment nevertheless... :)
Warlock - 4/10

Low budget late 80s flick with lots of cheesy moments gave me the LuLz.......all of creation becomes satan's black hell besmeared farting hole :devil2: Gonna make that my siggy.
Cannibal Holocaust(have seen it once in local theatre when i was in +12, this time around it is uncut version)

2 out of 10

low ratings mainly due to the concept and real killings of some of the rare animals (trying to imply that civilized society is more cruel than the uncivilized people of jungles)

Only high point was its haunting music