Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

rajatgarewal said:
Children of Heaven...Irani movie but simply awesome

I found it kinda creepy man.. it was like they were speaking hindi but, not.

Coraline - 7/10
top notch animation, nice music but a bit too dark for an animation for me.

The Boy in striped pyjamas - 10/10
Excellent movie.

Star trek (new one) - 5/10
A let down.

Angels and demons - 6/10
Dan brown must be soo disappointed.
Mad Money - 8/10

The cover may fool you thinking it's probably a chick movie, but it's not and it's quite entertaining crime/comedy movie. Diane Keaton is ever charming as she is, and it's one of those roles where Katie Holmes is not irritating. Queen Latihaf is getting better probably, but overall all three have great chemistry and the movie doesn't lose pace or lacks interest anywhere. A definite watch.

Bachelor Party 2 - 6/10

Whatever in the name of sequel? Anyway... it's not that bad, if you want some adult comedy to watch with friends over beer, lot of jugs :P and funny cliche mad fun.
Yeah.. that is probably we ppl dont have Watchmen comic craze here!! infact most of us came to know about this Watchmen when the movie was announced..

Btw, this reaction was also same for many ppl in the abroad as well.

So this movie is just for njoing its special fx and nothing else. Just watch the glass breaking in slow mo.. the electric running a human body.. some fire chick / babe.. just watch and njoi.. dont use ur brains that much to figure out whts really going on :P
kauzy said:
Watchmen.. TBH, i really didn't understand what was going on in the movie.. :S :S