Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

Memento - 9/10 Very good! As it turns out, all Christopher Nolan movies are amazing.

The Untouchables(1987) - 8/10 Good timepass flick. Super strong star cast!
Untouchables was amazing!

Anyway, just saw Miyazaki's 'Tonari No Totoro'. Amazing movie! He manages to capture something very intangible in all his movies. 10/10 cuz I'm a sucker for great anime movies. :D
Public Enemies(2009) - 7/10

Johnny Depp amazing as usual. Chriistian Bale's attempt at a southern accent is quite comical though :P. Movie could have been better IMO, and the love story between Johnny Depp and his girl, was kinda useless. Decent movie still, worth a watch.
thetoxicmind said:
^ Most of Miyazaki's movies are simple yet brilliant.

So true. The first of his movies I saw was Mononoke Hime. Blew my mind! Think I watched it thrice in a row. :D I'd seen (and loved) the Lupin Sansei series earlier just didn't realize he was involved in it. Now just gotta get a hand on the rest of his stuff.
Taking of Phelam 123 : 8/10

Highly enjoyable movie, most hostage movies usually are. On top of that the chemistry between travolta and Denzel was really good. Definitely worth a watch.

Public Enemies : 7.5/10

Was kinda boring and not just because of the era it was based upon. Bale was totally unimpressive, Depp was awesome as usual. Worth a watch if you are a depp fan.

Harry Potter and the Half blood prince : 7.5/10

I was disappointed. This was a good movie but it could have been so much better. The climax was such a letdown. Still a must watch for the potter fans.
Public Enemies ~ 7.7/10

Great performance by Johnny Depp. Extra points for all the gunfire ! :P

Sourav said:
Chriistian Bale's attempt at a southern accent is quite comical though :P. Movie could have been better IMO, and the love story between Johnny Depp and his girl, was kinda useless. Decent movie still, worth a watch.

Quite true.
Inglourious Basterds ( 2nd time ) - 9/10 - Just brilliant. Quentin Tarentino is at his best. Col. Hans Landa is by far the most interesting character of the year after The Joker. Maybe better...cant decide. There are a lot of negative reviews abt Pitt's performance in this movie. But i thought, for his role, he was really funny esp during the intro scene with Landa where he n his gang are pretending to be Italians. Look at his expressions in that scene along with that stupid accent, OMG i almost fell outta my chair in the theater.....dats some funny $hit. Has anyone noticed this...??
Year One : 7/10

Its funny in parts, some scenes are hilarious while some are just plain out gross. Black is awesome as usual, even cera is quite funny. The weak link here is the script. Watchable though.
All the best : 8.5/10

Its a laugh riot. I enjoyed a bollywood comedy after a long long time. There are no vulgar, double meaning cheap jokes, just clean family fun. Sanju baba was awesome and so was devgan, their comic timing was excellent. Even Fardeen was likable. Its a must watch.