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Wake Up Sid : 8.5/10

Nice feel good movie. The acting was really good and not just by Konkana, in my opinion Ranbhir was equally likable, he played the spoilt brat part much much better than how hrithik played it in Lakshya. The chemistry between Ranbhir and Konkana was really nice, the movie had a lot of dialog which kinda reminded me of Before Sunset/Sunrise. Definitely worth a watch.
Train (2008) - 7.5/10

Yet another hacker/slasher movie with lot of gore and cliched characters. But even though it's mostly been-there-done-that movie, it's quite enjoyable. Overall grip of the movie is good and it keeps the constant pace throughout the movie. If you have seen the kinds of Hostel and similar flicks, the whole thing gets pretty predictable... so I've to really give director a credit for keeping the movie interesting.


@Bluffy: Sorry, not arguing about your opinion... but I think Hrithik's character in Lakshya wasn't actually a typical spoilt brat, but more of confused and ambition less youngster... at least not spoilt to the degree of Sid's character.

ps: just to be clear, I don't find Hrithik to be a very versatile actor either. Overrated, is the word that comes to my mind.
Hez lost his all ripped body lol.. doesnt look like 6 pacs abs and toned up body!! his face is so chubby.. lol.. Hail to the supplements and short term workouts :bleh:
sandy453 said:
The Ugly truth- 7.5/10 Good time pass movie. Watch it for Gerard Butler.