Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

amigoatul said:
Antichrist - A very different movie than the normal fare we get to see. I dont think i understood this movie completely. But be warned, this movie has some really intense scenes including full frontals, explicit sex scenes and some hardcore violence which can make some ppl sick. Cant rate the movie at the moment but an interesting watch nonetheless.

Oh yeah, I wanna watch this one soon. :D

Adventureland - 6.8/10

I am in love with Kristen Stewart. :P

The Prestige - 9/10

Pure mindblowing awesomeness. :D

The Ugly Truth - 7/10

Okish-fun type
Watched Sunshine .. will give 8/10 .. it is a nice sci-fi but how the hell pinbacker got on to lcarus 2.. isn't there vacuum outside of ship.. the same applies to when there were only 1 spacesuit and people go from lcarus 1 to lcarus 2 ... no vacuum..... just too many goofups
Trick R' Treat - 7.5/10

Was really fun to watch! :D

The part that I liked best was when that group of girls turn into werewolves. That was totally awesome! Haha, they were giving a different impression the whole time lol.
Aladin - Kids will like for all magic and special effects. But overall bakwas movie.

London Dreams - Nothing much to offer. Rock On was far good a music based movie.
The Ugly Truth.. i liked the movie. Gerald Buttler is helluva actor. Done wonder in this movie compared to his character in 300 and Gamer(upcoming). Cant wait for Gamer.
The Bourne Trilogy - 8/10

The Bourne Identity(2002) - 8/10

Awesome intro to the Bourne series. Matt Damon is awesome, and another great thing is that even though the movie is nowhere as intriguing as the book by Robert Ludlum, it still manages to be a very good thriller. Good story as well( as compared to the book)

The Bourne Supremacy(2004) - 7/10

Next in the Jason Bourne sequence, this movie wasn't as good as the first one. Plot takes a complete deviation from the book, but still manages to hold up good. Good flick.

The Bourne Ultimatum(2007) - 9/10

The Grand Finale! What a movie. I just loved how beautifully Matt Damon has portrayed the torment of being Jason Bourne. The cinematography is superb and if I am not mistaken, this movie won an Oscar for the best editing. Must watch for anyone I would say. Superb movie :D