Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

arrgh hard to recall..... have you heard of stuff like "zeitgiest", "the corporation", "farenheit 911", "illuminati", "the real da vinci code"....

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basically searching for "conspiracy documentary" should get lots of hits :) secret societies, aliens, undercover ops, prophecies what not
vishalrao said:
arrgh hard to recall..... have you heard of stuff like "zeitgiest", "the corporation", "farenheit 911", "illuminati", "the real da vinci code"....

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basically searching for "conspiracy documentary" should get lots of hits :) secret societies, aliens, undercover ops, prophecies what not
This one is way beyond all those, trust me.
The Virgin suicides - 7/10 .

Never felt so different after watching a movie. The same feeling after I watched "American Beauty".

And as one of the comments go "One the most emotionally haunting movies"
A Walk to Remember : 7/10..............

Could have been better if there was some twist... too much emotional crying in the end...........
Peepli Live - 9/10

Step Up 2 the streets - 7.5/10... saw it this evening with a friend of mine, both of us loved the movie... she went all crazy and started dancing in my room!! :eek:hyeah: :p
Need suggestions regarding some romantic movies, they should be involving and engrossing

Movies I have liked in this genre : 500 days of summer and Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - 8/10

The Girl Who Played with Fire - 7.5/10

The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest - 8/10

Peepli live - 7/10

Shows exactly how stuff happens between media, govt and the common man. Expected a little more seriousness and drama in the end.but it never showed up.

Centurion - 7/10

'Gladiator' without drama.

500 Days of Summer - 9/10

Loved it loved it loved it....

Anyone who has been in love and has had a bad experience should watch this one.. brilliant story line and great acting... awesome songs as well.. it was one of the best romantic movies i have seen, recommended highly...