Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

Easy A - 7/10
Another american high school/college movie.But this doesn't have silly jokes.. atleast not without good humour.The acting by the lead actress is really good.Good movie.
raptor3624 said:
Easy A - 7/10

Another american high school/college movie.But this doesn't have silly jokes.. atleast not without good humour.The acting by the lead actress is really good.Good movie.
I enjoyed it too though it might have been because I had just sat through the awful Scott Pilgrim movie. That movie was a total turd despite the cool action scenes.
The Other Guys: 8/10

The real star of the movie was Pimps Don't Cry.
Will Ferrel wrote the song according to the credits. Simply brilliant.
devesh38 said:
Inception.......10/10...... saw it again yesterday....... first time in theatre and now in full 1080p print..... it was much crystal clear this time when i watched the movie..........

one doubt
still couldn't get the paradox stairs concept........ from an angle one can see the stairs as never ending but from persons point of view it should be clearly visible that its not a never ending stair........:huh:
Google for M.C. Escher.

Basically, these illusions are only possible on a 2D plane.
It works in the movie (atleast until the perspective is changed) because movies are shown on a 2D screen.