Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

Identity - If only i can lay my hands on the director and the writer :@

Harry Potter 8- 8.9/10

Rest Harry potters were just about decent.

first one, prisoner of azkaban and no 8 were the ones for keeps.
404 : 2/5

It was an interesting concept, the cinematography was also very well done and the acting in general was very good but the script was all messed up. The suspense was chilling in the first half but it got predictable and stale in the second half. Its still one of the better "thriller" movies to come out of bollywood lately.
The last Dragon :)

Kick ass movie abt a Black Kungfu master , lol

Tactical Force - Stonecold Steve austin stars in this movie, macho movie, No acting , B-grade movie.

Who's Harry Crumb :)

Classic movie, very good humour, comic detective and slapstick comedy. Recommended.
Spacescreamer said:
Identity - If only i can lay my hands on the director and the writer :@
Identity is a true underrated gem of a psych-thriller. I'd even say it's the perfect psych-thriller in concept.

Multiple killers trapped inside the same mind and the psychiatrist's brilliant plan to pit them against each other so they get knocked off one by one and the prisoner can salvage some sanity.
Really loved how the movie treated each identity like a potential killer or victim.

Most people thought it was a major cop-out that everything was happening inside the killer's head, I thought it was brilliant.
saumilsingh said:
Identity is a true underrated gem of a psych-thriller. I'd even say it's the perfect psych-thriller in concept.

Multiple killers trapped inside the same mind and the psychiatrist's brilliant plan to pit them against each other so they get knocked off one by one and the prisoner can salvage some sanity.

Really loved how the movie treated each identity like a potential killer or victim.

Most people thought it was a major cop-out that everything was happening inside the killer's head, I thought it was brilliant.

Couldnt agree more. highly recommended.