Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

​‎2001: A Space Odyssey:- If there's a movie I can say I've truly not understood at all........ Sorry, another one I'm incapable of rating!

Considered to be the baap of sci-fi movies out there. Give it a read on wiki. I think I saw a link on Reddit that explained everything in detail. But that user added his masala as well. :P
Considered to be the baap of sci-fi movies out there. Give it a read on wiki. I think I saw a link on Reddit that explained everything in detail. But that user added his masala as well. :P

Yes, there's a lot of reading to be done! I was wondering though if the book spells things out more clearly. Or would I be better off piecing it together from internet sources?

I was aware that given the fact that it's a Kubrick movie, it'll be one where one would have to pick up on underlying themes & nothing's gonna be spelt out. But never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that it would be this cryptic! I wonder who are the great souls who caught on to the meaning of the film when they first watched it.
I don't read novels so this friend of mine explained it to me pretty nicely. The second movie sucks. Understandable since it isn't a Kubrick movie.
and for 2001: A space odessey, I still consider the most accurate prediction of the future to be made on a movie ever!!!
and add to that it "released" an year before man reached moon.

and most of the movies aspects were accurate scientifically and actually happened...
seriously, its one of the best sci-fi movies ever made...
my rating 9.5/10.
You folks might have read about one of the Apple vs. Samsung lawsuits (for iPad/Galaxy Tab) where Samsung claimed prior art by pointing out the tablet devices depicted in 2001: A Space Odyssey? :D
:hail:Mel Gibson's Braveheart 9/10. I deeply felt into that movie.
:hail:James Horner's music is awesome.

Hear this song "FOR THE LOVE OF PRINCESS" atleast once in your lifetime. it's such a soothing music.
The Dark Knight Rises -- 7.5 / 10

A fitting finale to one of the few superhero film(s) I enjoy, a few characters and dialogue sequences mared an otherwise excellent film.

P.S. -- Batman and Bane's fight sequence was good and the chant!! The chant to 'Rise'.
Same here. Friends have been mocking me because of it dunno why.

If I say the same set of arguments as I used in The Witcher 2 conversations, it will be termed cheating but these are the reasons my favourite in the world of espionage is Jason Bourne --
  • He is a spy, an undercover agent, a bringer of death, a survivalist and no he doesn't drink while on an assignment;
  • he knows how to turn a car into a tank, a motorbike into a BMX bike and a Biro into a shank -- he is f***ing deadly if you get what I mean.
  • he may not have the cars, the chicks OR the intelligence network of the world weak-kneed but he still manages to give them the slip, IN STYLE.
  • he can get shot, he is injured and he suffers if assaulted, in short he is HUMAN.

Finally it is Paul Greengrass behind the camera.
Same here. Friends have been mocking me because of it dunno why. Anyways will be watching it pretty soon. Do tag me once you'e seen them. :)

b**ch please :P

Yet to watch....

Pirates of Caribbean series
Die Hard series
Rambo series
LOTR...watched the first one
Star wars (new trilogy).....watched the old (4,5,6)

And just finished the Matrix series a day before
The Matrix - 8.5/10
The Matrix Reloaded [2002] - 6/10
The Matrix Revolutions [2003] - 6.5/10

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