Typing this post late at night to save you all
Instead could have watched Spartacus Vengeance again....:angel:
whats the relation between the two
Typing this post late at night to save you all
Instead could have watched Spartacus Vengeance again....:angel:
whats the relation between the two
Typing this post late at night to save you all
Snow White and the Huntsman - 1/10
Oh what a dumb movie even by fairy tale standards.
1 is for Charlize Theron...hmm... she is good..I mean acting..
[h=3][/h]There were two invisible characters for me in the movie. I could not help but my mind keeps lingering to these two people while watching the actress
1) Robert Pattinson and 2) director[FONT=arial, sans-serif] Rupert Sanders. More than half of the movie the camera was focusing on Kristen Stewart and ooh god what an awful actor she is.
I heard that they are planning for a sequel. God help us. The Extended version is 2Hr 10 min Mind you and don't tell me I did not warn you.
Instead could have watched Spartacus Vengeance again....:angel:
Expendables 2 - 5.5/10
Felt so dumb this Sunday (tickets were pre-booked online):
Goon - 7.8/10
Guys, just drop everything and grab this for the weekend. SWC's best and what finale!
Never expected a 'dumb' movie to turn out this good and rip the dumb tag off.