Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

Bourne Ultimatum - 9/10

Cant decide which is the best of 3, liked em all ;)..I dont know if this last movie could have been any better but i liked the storyline of previous two movies ...this one was too predictable
As Good as it gets - 9.5/10

Jack Nicholson + Helen Hunt at thier best ;)

The theme of movie is still unclear to me, the movie is kinda bizarre but nevertheless a must watch :)
Sorry folks, Sourav here. thought i was logged in :bleh:, Just saw Transformers, and came back to Rahul's place. Dint log in using my ID so posted this thru his. apologies please :) Anyways, movie is 10/10 :D no words actually to describe the experience. Going again on saturday, then again on coming wednesday :D
The fountain : 9/10

Just beautifully picturised movie, but lot of part I didn't understand. But overall I just loved watching it, brilliant acting by "the wolverine" a nice story too if you could grasp all of it...

Would have loved to watch this movie on the big screen a pity it wasnt released here in India..