Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

Arya said:
Bourne Ultimatum : Awesome
Content similar as past two movies : 1 Hand-to-hand fight, high speed chase, slipping past CIA agents. still action is very refreshing. Bourne used Pen and Magazine to fight in last two movies. This time it was a Hardcover book :P

ApeX said:
The Bourne Identity - 9/10
The Bourne Supremacy - 8/10
The Bourne Ultimatum - 9/10

siddharth said:
Bourne Ultimatum - The finale is the best of the 3. The movie is really fast paced and keeps you on the edge of the seat... Superb! 9.5/10

lostinthought said:
Bourne Ultimatum - 9.95/10

dipen01 said:
Bourne Ultimatum - 9/10

PhOeNiX said:
The Bourne Ultimatum - 11/10 :D

Asky said:
The Bourne Ultimatum 9/10

Best of the Triology :D

vij said:
The Bourne Ultimatum
The best of the series and easily one of the best action movies...F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C !!!

I concur! :D
Blood Diamond 8/10
idd give it 9.5 saw long time back ...whn it released in theatres here..awesome movie bro....

latest i saw is "The persuit of HappYness"
its a heart touching story.....a must see..id give it 9/10

ahh... n will smith's...a GREAT actor....
I was watching Delta Farce before I stopped at 30min mark because the film is so utterly painful. the humor is honestly dumb as rock and the characters are more annoying than they are funny. If you're considering of watching it, please do yourself a HUGE favor and DON'T. It's utter garbage!
