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  • Baby Driver : 6/10 : so-so. drive sequences are nice to watch.
  • IT : 5/10 : I haven't read the book yet, but reading and watching 'The Shining' I felt the movie really misses out the 'fun' part of the book. And this "might" be the same case.
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My friends watched this 3 times already. But I couldn't meet them due to unavoidable reasons. But they're still ready to see it 4th time. Is this that good?

It isn't the incredible classic people are making it out to be. The imagery and the Blade Runner universe was impressive, however, the silences and long shots don't become profound if there isn't any substance to back it up. I was mostly bored watching it; this story could have been told just as well in 30 mins. Villeneuve is even more overrated than Nolan in a way.

On the plus side, it is faithful to the original which was also a snoozefest with great visuals for its time.
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...Villeneuve is even more overrated than Nolan in a way...

Nolan truly excels at the pretentious just like everyone says. But Villeneuve is a mixed bag for me. I kinda liked Sicario, fell asleep in the theatre watching Prisoners, was disappointed (very high expectations based on the hype) with Arrival. But absolutely loved Enemy. But both these guys are angels compared to Soderbergh. That guy makes some god awful crap. Ruins the best plots and actors. Ok, so he did Ocean's but i still don't know WTF does Haywire have a caper themed soundtrack ???!!! I think his bad outweighs the good ones.[DOUBLEPOST=1508100451][/DOUBLEPOST]
On the plus side, it is faithful to the original which was also a snoozefest with great visuals for its time.

Exactly what i thought about the original when i watched it many moons ago. Multiple times. Thinking i was maybe too thick to get it. Have zero hopes for any remakes. The alien covenant crap was proof.
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