Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

Planet Terror - Gorey B Grade TP!! :D : 7.5/10

Transformers - Finally saw it :p : 8/10

Death at a Funeral - Brilliant movie. Saw such a nice movie after ages... 9.5/10
TheMask said:
lol.. 7.5??? c'on!!! its typical Mithun da kinda movie.. :rofl:
Planet Terror was ridiculously awesome.
The part where Cherry starts rocket jumping was so Win, lol.

Death Proof was terrible though.
Tarantino's efforts to recreate his Reservoir Dogs coffee table conversation brilliance fell flat on its' face.
Planet Terror was ridiculously awesome.

The part where Cherry starts rocket jumping was so Win, lol.


sometimes what we need to do is sit back and enjoi the ridiculousness in things around us :p nd the way Planet Terror goes about is just sweet :D

not to mention how the thing was made in the first place wid missing reels :p 'Prevues' et all.. a tribute to all the american mithun type movies.. Awesomeness personified :D :D
Scent of a Woman - 10/10

the movie is so close to my heart ... a similar incidence happened to me in school where me and couple of my friends got caught doing some mischievous activity :p , rest of the 4 guys ran away ... but we didn't give the names of others associated ... though later they came forward and we were only suspended for 3 weeks :p ...
Here are the ones I watched in last couple of days.

The Darjeeling Limited - 3/10

As an Indian - Where is Darjeeling!!!! The whole movie is shot in Rajasthan. Only thing is couple of coaches they have shot has Darjeeling Limited painted in Hindi and English. And they have taken a middle path when portraying India (not that bad).

The story seems to be good (Have seen similar ones) but the movie misses out on building upon it.

The below 2 are not mainstream movies, so think/check if you really want to watch them. I watched b'cse Im trying to see all of Gus Van Sant's movies (Mainstream - Good Will Hunting, Finding Forrester).

Paranoid Park - 8/10

No non-sense movie. Kind of raw. I liked the end.

Elephant - 8/10

Not much of any story. Based on Columbine like incident. Gives no view point or opinions. Technically, a brilliant one. Have to watch it few more times to check out few things.