Rate - Who is the best PC game developer currently

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RE4 (once patched) and DMC3 were actually just as good ports as DMC4. It's just that they were blalant PS2 ports and added no graphical improvements for the PC version.

With DMC4, we got the advantage of having our console counterparts upping the ante visuals wise and so we got better graphics this time around. But it's not as if the PC version received any special treatment :P.

You don't see people trying to play DMC4 with a keyboard and saying it's a bad port. It's the same deal with RE4 and DMC3 on PC.
^Not really. Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition for PC suffered from a lot of issues. It didn't allow customising controls, no option for graphic resolution above 1280x960 (IIRC), horrible quality of cut-scenes, Alt+F4 for quitting the game & configuring the gamepad was a royal pain the butt.
Ethan_Hunt said:
^Not really. Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition for PC suffered from a lot of issues. It didn't allow customising controls, no option for graphic resolution above 1280x960 (IIRC), horrible quality of cut-scenes, Alt+F4 for quitting the game & configuring the gamepad was a royal pain the butt.
The only problem (if you want it to be one) was the Alt+F4 to quit thing.
Customizing controls was possible and so were resolutions above 1280x960.

As I said it was a blalant port, no improvements, nothing. But it also wasn't a buggy piece of crap like GTA4.
High standards of PC gamers meets generic PS2 hack & slash equals fail.

RE4 on the other hand was a fantastic experience on the PC.
saumilsingh said:
Customizing controls was possible and so were resolutions above 1280x960.
I would like the resolution fix in that case please. :)

saumilsingh said:
As I said it was a blalant port, no improvements, nothing. But it also wasn't a buggy piece of crap like GTA4.
High standards of PC gamers meets generic PS2 hack & slash equals fail.
Not exactly. I have played & completed DMC 3 on both platforms albeit it's flaws on the PC version. It's the effect of the game that makes you forget about it's technical glitches in the end. I don't mind a bad port unless it's unplayable. Heck I have completed GTA IV & loved it on the PC. It's not the high standards of PC gamers but something called "doing the right thing". This is something game developers should look into while porting a game across on any platform. Providing variable resolution, basic control mapping & proper patching support are some of the basic things. ;)
well isn't there alot of ambiguity here??

i mean by developers u mean the company or studio??

for e.g. Bioware,EA redwood etc are studios

whereas EA is the company which owns them..

n i believe one should name the studio as the developers, the companies are just fundin n marketing,

according to me EA sux big time.. fr their company policies..

but i love Maxis, n bioware was good wid der mass effect n irrespective of watever every1 else thinks.. RA3 is an exceptionally fast paced wonderfully created game... n thats by Ea Redwood, LA
Valve (for there revolution in FPS gaming)

UbiSoft (for jaw dropping games)

Rockstar (for keeping GTAness alive !!!)

Bethesda (just for making fallout 3 a wonderful game of yr)
All are good according to their creation.

Crytek - Crysis, Farcry
Rockstar - GTA, Manhunt, etc...
Valve - Source engine(HL2, Portal, L4D, CS, TF2)
Ubisoft - POP series, Assassins creed, Tom clancy games, Beyond Good & Evil, XIII
Bethesda - Elders scroll, Fallout
Infinity Ward / Activision - Call of Duty
2k - BioShock
Blizzard - warcraft, starcraft

EA is more of distributor then producer.
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