Recomend some Romantic movies

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Yamaraj said:
Finding Neverland

Lol..i remember, i had asked a few of my friends to accompany me to this movie, ...thru intermission, half of them had slept and the remaining were waiting for the movie to end to thrash me...:P I seriously found it okay...nothing, it was a bit too sluggish.. :no:

Btw, have u watched Rain Man?? though this movie doesnt figure into the romantic category, i think it is a must watch......a very touchy n sweet movie indeed...:)
^ I agree it's a bit artsy at times, which translates to "boring" for most. But I like such movies - however long or however boring.

Rain Man is good. Shows that Cruise can act sometimes. Caprio was also great in What's Eating Gilbert Grape, in a similar role. Retarded though, not autistic.
Even i used to think cruise was wooden..but he proved me wrong with vanilla sky, jerry maguire n rain man..:hap5: But, rainman is equally shared by Dustin hoffman..sometimes completely overshadowing Cruise, but overall, it was just gr8 to see them both together...:)
even though it does not fall in to romantic genre i definitely recommend
Mr. Holland`s Opus

othre would be
My Best Friends Wedding
Btw, is it just me or wot, but dont u guys think tht Eva Longoria looks like a distant sister of KAte Beckinsale?? Check out few of her wallpapers..u'll know what i mean..

I dont entirely agree with you .

I present pictures to prove my point .:P

Eva Kinda look

KAte Original

KAte Under world
wow..thats a big list of movies 2 watch...will watch em and post the feedback...thanks 4 replying guyz...anywayz plz keep em comming...
Btw, if u want to watch a stupid yet romantic flick, check out Meet Joe Black..i know a few ppl who actually like it a lot...:ashamed: (n one of them is my GF..:ashamed: )
"Frankie and Johnie" with Michele Pfeiffer and Al Pacino. (not sure spelling)

"Betty Blue" (subtitles-I think it's Italian)

This one is for adults only... it is one of my all time favorite movies, but a little disturbing, and quite sexually explicit... this is a romantic but sad movie.

Woman on Top - With Penelope Cruz Don't let the name fool you... a cute but funny romantic movie :) and Penelope Cruz is Hot Hot Hot
ArtfulDodger said:
"Betty Blue" (subtitles-I think it's Italian)
This one is for adults only... it is one of my all time favorite movies, but a little disturbing, and quite sexually explicit... this is a romantic but sad movie.
Betty Blue is erotica, but pointless. Just like Two Moon Junction, Henry and June, Twentynine Palms, Intimacy, Lie with Me, The Piano Teacher et al.

And Private, Meet Joe Black is a stupid-stupid movie. But yeah, girls like movies like "Bridget Jones' Diarrhoea", for some subconcious reasons. :ohyeah:

BTW, I highly recommend "Jude" - starring Kate Winslet and Christopher Eccleston. The ending will make your eyes bleed, even if you're a Die Hard fan.
Betty Blue is erotica, but pointless. Just like Two Moon Junction, Henry and June, Twentynine Palms, Intimacy, Lie with Me, The Piano Teacher et al.

I think this thread was to ask people about romantic movies they would recommend, not for your unasked opinion of other peoples taste, or movies you wouldn't recommend.... :tongue:
ArtfulDodger said:
I think this thread was to ask people about romantic movies they would recommend, not for your unasked opinion of other peoples taste, or movies you wouldn't recommend.... :tongue:
Calm down! I didn't mean to offend in any way. Since the OP is still 19, it isn't a bad idea to tell erotica from romanticism properly, to him.
Yamaraj said:
BTW, I highly recommend "Jude" - starring Kate Winslet and Christopher Eccleston. The ending will make your eyes bleed, even if you're a Die Hard fan.

Watched it..was a good movie,but didnt really unsettle me...:P I'm more moved by movies like schindler's list, the pianist etc...:) The final scenes of Schindler's list really made the corner of my eyes wet..n tht was the first n the last time..:P

And Private, Meet Joe Black is a stupid-stupid movie. But yeah, girls like movies like "Bridget Jones' Diarrhoea", for some subconcious reasons.

Yah..totally agree..girls are easily moved by such coochie coo movies..:P I almost slept halfway thru the way, the worst romantic flick i've seen recently has to be 'the holiday' dont remember, ive checked my watch more times in 2 hrs evr b4...:P (and a stupid colleague of mine who literally dragged me to it, enjoyed it a lot..n yeah, no surprises here..the colleague happened to be a miss...:P ...) Over the top acting by all, especially, cameron diaz..(damn, felt like killing her..:@ ), cheesy one liner story..uhh..n frankly, jack black needs to go back to movies like 'The school of rock'...he is a complete misfit in a romantic flick...:no:
I'm quite calm, just didn't like the comments :)

Betty Blue is erotica, but pointless.
This does quite clearly state that you think the movie is pointless.....

This one is for adults only... it is one of my all time favorite movies, but a little disturbing, and quite sexually explicit.

And I have quite clearly stated that the movie is sexually explicit ;)

Also thought Meet Joe Black was silly :P
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