Rediff charging 60k for the iphone

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superczar said:
coz the iphone is cheaper and better :P

whatever works for you man:)

I would still say and would continue to say this until I die:

Apple products are overpriced premium show-offs and nothing else.
^^ tell me the truth..apart from the ipod, have you used any other apple product?

more importantly, have you used the iphone?
superczar said:
^^ tell me the truth..apart from the ipod, have you used any other apple product?

more importantly, have you used the iphone?

No, my unbiased dislike for Apple just keeps me away from their products. sans iTunes.

what can I say, I refuse to pay for something just for style's sake. that's not me. not everyone is going to buy the iPhone. You bought it, well, congrats! It's looks like a great gadget. but again, too much style and too little substance. it's overpriced and offers less value and features compared to similar offerings. simple as that.
HTC Touch rocks for its price and features. Plus you can load lots of apps and games which you can't in iphone. Would never buy a iphone :hap5:
Let me compare the iphone with HTC touch side by side this weekend hopefully and then pass on the verdict.

Now where is that Rahul :P
Plus you can load lots of apps and games which you can't in iphone

who sez?

google for ibrickr

No, my unbiased dislike for Apple just keeps me away from their products. sans iTunes.

actually itunes on windows is one of the worst apps/products by apple

sorry mate, but you bias clearly sounds like a biased dislike

have you used OS X ever?
Now SC arent you talking a bit fanboyish here????did you buy a mac to try OS X with your own money???? I wont, if you have then thats great...if you dont agree with the general statement that Apples product are more about style than substance then i dont know what to far as iphone is concerned, at a price of Rs. 17000 which some1 claimed it is for, i wud say it might be a good product but if its above 20k then it certainly hasnt got any features to get me hooked on.
Saiyan said:
Let me compare the iphone with HTC touch side by side this weekend hopefully and then pass on the verdict.

Now where is that Rahul :P

lol .... i haven't seen iphone so can't comment on that but if it for features i guess iphone is better ...... and people calling windows mobile crappy i dunno which version they have used but the one i got in touch is perfectly ok ..... never had any crashes or anything .......

for 17k i guess iphone is a awesome deal ..... but given a choice i will go for windows mobile or symbian rather than apple :)
Now SC arent you talking a bit fanboyish here????did you buy a mac to try OS X with your own money???? I wont, if you have then thats great...

yes I did...

I have had a Mac Mini for my HTPC for the last 1 year and I absolutely love it

Immensely better usability than XP makes it a breeze to use

having said that, the wider repository of applications for windows and the wider user base (+ most offices uses windows ) means I need to have windows PCs to get my work done

Also, at home or at my desk, i don't mind compromising on usability a bit

However, when on the move, usabilty becomes one of the primary parameters and which is why I always prefer my ipod over my iriver PMP

and now, I prefer the iphone over my N73 (2nd choice) or ipaq (3rd choice)

and I still for the love of god can't figure out a good reason to bash the iphone (other than it is the in-thing to do so )

Absence of 3rd party (native ) app support would have been a good reason to bash the iphone but that is no longer true (though given the age of the platform, not as wide as for symbian)

And considering I paid the same price for the iphone as I did for the ipaq and then the N73, there is no reason for me not to recommend the iphone over a Symbian or Win Mobile to a friend

And LOL, A fanboi would have baseless opinions without ever having tried out what he/she has strong opinions on

lol .... i haven't seen iphone so can't comment on that but if it for features i guess iphone is better ...... and people calling windows mobile i dunno which version they have used but the one i got in touch is perfectly ok ..... never had any crashes or anything .......

I haven't tried the HTC touch either and am basing my opinion of Windows mobile on my experience with my ipaq 6365 and a friend's Cingular 8125 (HTC K-Jam) so let's try catching up over the weekend and do an objective comparison...
^^Actually the in-thing is still to have an iphone, not to bash it - have you seen their sales numbers? ;)
^^Actually the in-thing is still to have an iphone, not to bash it - have you seen their sales numbers?

what I meant was the in-thing in the techie/g33k community is to bash whatever is popular with the masses
superczar said:
what I meant was the in-thing in the techie/g33k community is to bash whatever is popular with the masses
Maybe in India... the true g33k squads in the US are busy upgrading their families to using iphones :P
Some Apple products are good, but none of them are that impressive that they deserve the premium cost they sell at. They manage to sell their products just because of thier excellent sales and marketing strategies. They create a lot of hype around their products and throw in a bit of style in the external casing and people will buy them like hot cakes. Apple is a prime example for any business organization to prove that marketing alone can sell products. I do admire Apple for that.

As far as Win XP vs Mac OS X (Tiger) is concerned, I have worked with both OS for quite some time now and I can say for sure that Win XP wins hands down both in stability and performance. Tiger is very buggy and very unstable when compared to Win XP. It may look good when you are using it for causual purpose like for home use. But when you want to use it seriously all the flaws come out. Even in the latest version 10.4.10, hangs and occational crashes are the norm. Performance is also not up to the mark. My Power Mac G5 (2.0 GHz Dual Core and 1 GB RAM) is too slow to work on anything serious. Frankly speaking Tiger works best on a Core Duo or Core 2 Duo with atleast 2 GB RAM. Even on those machines I have observed occational hangs. Compared to that Win XP to be a lot better.

The worst part comes when you want to develop software for the platform. XCODE is a Joke of an IDE. Its so buggy that Apple must have been distributing it even before it can be certified for Alpha quality.
u nailed that Lord, thats what i have been trying to say, that in general apple product do not justify the price they sell at...and thats why @ 17k the iphone might be a good buy but not @ anything above that.
thebanik said:
u nailed that Lord, thats what i have been trying to say, that in general apple product do not justify the price they sell at...and thats why @ 17k the iphone might be a good buy but not @ anything above that.
Then why are you still cribbing?
The only thing keeping me away from the iPhone is the lack of video recording else, wudve got it last month :(.
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