Religion - Your Take

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i think religon was formed to keep humans under control in a way (like they say god is watching over u ) kind of a hinderance before u do anything bad but in todays time we do bad things either saying its gods will or its written in our holy books as for all the holy books present in the world today i think all have been corrupted over time because its bound to happen thats human nature to add or substract things which he likes or dislikes a classic example is news which is broadcasted over various channels when a disaster takes place all will have different versions one channel says 100 dead the other says 150 dead and so on and this is happenning in a time where we have sattelite tvs ,mobiles and what not imagine all the religious which have come a minimum of 1000 yrs back when there was no tech.. which we have today and was spread by word of mouth how much corruption would have taken place and its a well known fact religion has been misused by people to suit their needs and has been changed in the past
Everything is misused. But unless something has more negative uses than positive ones, I would be loathe o condemn it.

That said, I have fundamental problems with religion, whether now or in the past.
KingKrool said:
That doesn't mean it is pleasant or desirable. Do you want your family to die? I don't. I still don't worry about it. But it will be painful whenever something does happen.
...think of it like this -

you are in an open field....and lets say its a 5 hour walk in any direction before you find shelter...since this is a hypothesis...lets assume you KNOW that it will start raining in 5 minutes....and theres no shelter in sight

here...getting drenched is an is going to happen...and theres not jack shit you can do about it...the way i see it why ****ing bother over something thats GOING to happen? you cry everyday because the sun rises in the east? when you perhaps [hypthetically] wanted perpetual darkness?...or do you worry everyday because someday your going to die?

the difference between a strong mind and the average human is that a strong mind can accept the eventualities of life however harash they are in order to come to peace with ones self...a normal human bound by useless emotion will fret over things it can do nothing about

till today i used to assume you had a maybe slightly above average mind...i will assume no more
As I said, and clearly u did not read

I still don't worry about it.

Not that I give a .

till today i used to assume you had a maybe slightly above average mind...i will assume no more

Remember what I told you about assumptions once? I am glad you have started taking my advice.

...a strong mind can accept the eventualities of life however harash they are in order to come to peace with ones self

Is that so? then why does what happened still rankle you? Or do you claim that it had had no effect?
Of all the Indians who say "I DONT BELIEVE IN GOD", what i've observed is that 99.99% of them are Hindus. Ave never heard a person from the "MINORITY" community saying that he doesnt believe in God, he knows his head will be smacked off if he says so.

The freedom that Hinduism gives (to believe or not to believe in GOD) is the main reason why people ave stopped believing in god, maybe we shud also start taking a hardline view about our religion and start Hindu Madarsas and stuff to imaprt religion..cos that way I see it, Hindus will be in Minority real soon and the only nation left with a significant ratio of hindus will be Nepal...

Guess Hinduism wont survive until RSS/VHP/Bajrang Dal/Shiv Sena are brought at the centre....

Just my 2 cents...


Darthcoder said:
Of all the Indians who say "I DONT BELIEVE IN GOD", what i've observed is that 99.99% of them are Hindus. Ave never heard a person from the "MINORITY" community saying that he doesnt believe in God, he knows his head will be smacked off if he says so.
Guess Hinduism wont survive until RSS/VHP/Bajrang Dal/Shiv Sena are brought at the centre....
Err no, I'm hindu-muslim incidentally and don't care much about either religion.
My girlfriend's parsi - definitely what you can call a minority and she isn't so zealish either.
My mother's a muslim but obviously she wasn't orthodox or she wouldn't have married a hindu: my father.
The same logic applies for my father as well.
Most of my friends think on the same lines as me, and they are not all hindus. So what is your point? You'd rather have restrictions clamped down upon you, even telling you what to think?

The freedom that Hinduism gives (to believe or not to believe in GOD) is the main reason why people ave stopped believing in god,
Freedom exists in the mind. It can't be given to you. You think we won our independence because it was handed over to us? Freedom-fighters gave up their lives to fight for their cause.

Most people are complacent, they take what they're given without thinking rat's ass about it. What good is religiousness when it doesn't come from within? You're only living a farce then, and wasting your life in the bargain.

I'm sure sort of a higher order does exist, something that is beyond the scope of rationality. But I'm not going to let that encroach upon my freedom.
Of all the Indians who say "I DONT BELIEVE IN GOD", what i've observed is that 99.99% of them are Hindus. Ave never heard a person from the "MINORITY" community saying that he doesnt believe in God, he knows his head will be smacked off if he says so.

Take a look at one of the numerous science vs. religion debates that occur at neowin. There is no such thing as a bias of atheists in one religion or the other. Also, you mentioned organisations like VHP/RSS etc. which are hardly ones who take kindly to atheists.

Come on, even Laloo Prasad Yadav as dictator is infinitely better than RSS controlling our nation :rofl:
LOL any of the hardliners governing the country, then its the end of freedom as we so have it right now.

I am an Hindu, am an atheist ? maybe.... I just want my choices....
Religion is the mother of all problems for mankind , creates unecessary divides , can turn a mature individual into a fanatic , can plug ur logical views about things .

It was more to identify the superbeing , to fear it and to worship it .

guess its high time , provocative religious beliefs are totally lethal to this humanrace .

Dunno when will it be that we get rid of this menace .
tracerbullet said:
Err no, I'm hindu-muslim incidentally and don't care much about either religion.
My girlfriend's parsi - definitely what you can call a minority and she isn't so zealish either.
My mother's a muslim but obviously she wasn't orthodox or she wouldn't have married a hindu: my father.
The same logic applies for my father as well.
Most of my friends think on the same lines as me, and they are not all hindus. So what is your point? You'd rather have restrictions clamped down upon you, even telling you what to think?
Freedom exists in the mind. It can't be given to you. You think we won our independence because it was handed over to us? Freedom-fighters gave up their lives to fight for their cause.

Most people are complacent, they take what they're given without thinking rat's ass about it. What good is religiousness when it doesn't come from within? You're only living a farce then, and wasting your life in the bargain.

I'm sure sort of a higher order does exist, something that is beyond the scope of rationality. But I'm not going to let that encroach upon my freedom.

whoa ......... I like the way u think......way to go .....:cool2:
I have not yet seen the other replies or even DS's post. Just thought I would post my views first.

Religion does not mean a damn thing to me. For me God is just an unseeable universal power. No name no image, no such thing. But I do believe in the existence of some supernatural force which I call GOD.

I dont believe in doing Pujas, going to temples, or anything. In some ways, I believe the existence of some festivals are also a waste. You do not need one single day in the year to pray to that god.

You dont need to go to a temple, church, mosque, Fire Temple, Synagogue, etc to pray to god. you can do that from your home, office, wherever through your heart. You do not need to shout that God is great for the whole neighbourhood to hear or chant religious shlokas and mantras througha a mike when you are doing a puja or anything.

But of course, unfortunately the whole world does not think like me. If it did, then there would be no such thing called religion in this world whichdivides people.

Religion is sad. It just divides people.

Just read Zhopudey's post. I must say that I feel exactly the same way.

And I also believe in Karma. You reap what you sow. I dont believe completely in rebirth or next life or previous life. But in this life itself, what you get is what you deserve.
KingKrool said:
As I said, and clearly u did not read

Not that I give a .

Remember what I told you about assumptions once? I am glad you have started taking my advice.
Is that so? then why does what happened still rankle you? Or do you claim that it had had no effect?

because i made a single assumption does not mean i make assumptions about everything...that would be your assumption....

what happned? what incident are you referring to? and it probably didnt very little affects me in a harsh "panic" type way...
It is very important to be fully aware of the evils of Islam and not let it take anymore Hindu people into its evil fold.Islam is the cause of Pakistan,period.

Just look at the way these people are treated here-a mechanic working for UPS was pursued by police and the FBI just because he moved into an all christian white township(now b4 people say that these goras would hvae done the same thing to a hindu 'brown' guy let me state thats not the case atleast not in this part of Indiana:you're okay as long as you're not a Muslim which is the way it should be),we should learn from the zealousness christians show in protecting their faith from the ravages of Islam.If we had been as successful in repelling Muslim scum perhaps South Asia would have been Hindu Bharat just like Europe is Christian...unfortunately modern Europens seem to be forgetting their history....the events in France are only a reminder of this...

Islam was founded in the wastelands of the Saudi desert(a country in which I have the unfortunate experience of living for 4 years) and its ideology is reflective of its origin.The so-called 'revered' land of Moslems is nothing but a desert fiilled with'll be hard-pressed to find a people more wasteful than the Saudis....I can't help but smile when I saw a republican's car displaying 'nuke their a**,take their gas'.
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