i think religon was formed to keep humans under control in a way (like they say god is watching over u ) kind of a hinderance before u do anything bad but in todays time we do bad things either saying its gods will or its written in our holy books as for all the holy books present in the world today i think all have been corrupted over time because its bound to happen thats human nature to add or substract things which he likes or dislikes a classic example is news which is broadcasted over various channels when a disaster takes place all will have different versions one channel says 100 dead the other says 150 dead and so on and this is happenning in a time where we have sattelite tvs ,mobiles and what not imagine all the religious which have come a minimum of 1000 yrs back when there was no tech.. which we have today and was spread by word of mouth how much corruption would have taken place and its a well known fact religion has been misused by people to suit their needs and has been changed in the past