Remove date from photos

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Hi, would like to know if there is any easy to use application that I can use to remove date & time from existing photos. Thanks
Use any freely avialable photo editing softwares to crop that part away. If you dont want to crop then you will need to clone/patch it away using the same editing software.
^ dude the OP is not asking for that I guess, I might be wrong here but I think he is asking for the date and time which gets automatically printed in the pictures if that option is left on in the camera.
I currently use Picasa 3 for editing photos. It is easy to use software but it unfortunately does not have option to remove date and time from photos. ( personally taken photos). I am looking for software like Photo Stamp Remover 3.1 (Watermark Remover | Photo Stamp Remover - watermark removal tool), inpaint (Inpaint).

So, would like to know if any one is using or can recommend such software....

What I read from the net, data embadded on the photos including date and time is called exif (Exchangeable image file format - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
get , and use the clone/stamp tool to take care of the watermarks. All those softwares which are made for a specific purpose like watermark removal, audio conversion,and the like are mostly paid apps. Besides while working on the individual images and tackling each image will give you much better results then going the batch way by using the watermark removal softwares.The end result with these softwares will depend on the back ground of that time stamp, whether its even or there is a lot of contrast in it. I suggest give a try. :)
Simplest way would be to disable Timestamp in the cam. Why keep it On if you have to remove the date later?
Do you want to remove EXIF or a watermark.EXIF is the data recorded in the file structure.Watermark is included in the pixels.EXIF removal is lossless but the watermark removal will cause some change.(maybe not that noticeable though).
Simple solution to remove EXIF:
This might sound stupid on but you can upload it facebook on an invisible album and download it back.EXIF is automatically removed.:)
No idea how to remove watermarks.
@Roxtin : When the photos, specially of a trip, are viewed after long time, date and time on photos help to remember the time when the photos were taken and any interesting moment around it. But at time of putting it as wallpaper or for other purpose, I would like to remove the date and time stamp.

@ nuke'em : I want to remove 'date and time' from photos which are put by the camera and are not part of the picture taken. Not exactly sure if it is called watermark or exif.

if you are asking about printed date on pics den go for any software with cloner or skin patch fixer. Its almost like 15 seconds process to remove that using them. And if you are asking about metadata date then there are plenty of softwares mentioned above.
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