Replacing a processor

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OOOO man hillarious............. hahahhahaha... she's not blond for nothing... there are other ways to teach her which the behind and the inside is tho... he he he
Is this the correct section to post??? :bleh: :bleh:

See who posted this, a MOD :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:
"this is front , this is back & this is middle of the computer..tell me where i should put the processor ? "

"this is a box .. u should have told me to put the processor in the box...why do u tell me to put it in the computer?."

:lol: :lol:

Hilarious shit..!!
Btw, we shud give the girl a break...i mean we wud have been in the same situation if we were given surgical instruments in our hands n asked to cut open somebody's tummy and then figure where is the spleen or the pancreas or the kidneys..:P
super_saiyan said:
^wanna bet ??
Just tell me the shape & gimme a body...ill find it out.. :lol:

Lol..this was about replacing in case of replacing human body parts,i can only imagine how u wud have 'refitted' the parts...:lol:
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