Replacing a processor

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Private Ryan said:
Lol..this was about replacing in case of replacing human body parts,i can only imagine how u wud have 'refitted' the parts...:lol:

yeah thats true, can't imagine me putting it back:ashamed:
moved to general talk, eh?? Bad for

Saiyan said:
yeah thats true, can't imagine me putting it back

Yah, surely then we wud have kidneys in the chest, the lungs in the tummy and then left with no space for the liver or the pancreas..:lol:

Psst..we can actually make a gr8 lookin zombie tht way..:P
Someone should replace that dumb blonde's brain :P. I hope something happens to her and she gets the darwin award :rofl:.
What's more is that she was REFUSING to accept that the box is actually a PC! Why does anyone bother with someone like that? :S

And she took away the poor fat guy's drink when she trotted away lolz!
Its not the dumbness that dazzles me. I mean comeon i can understand a hot chick being dumb :P all she must have done in life is take long baths and stand in front of mirror half the day...

What is sad is that arrogance and unwillingness to accept what someone else is telling ya when you dont know jack about that subject.

Thats stupidness..............................................
Saiyan said:
yeah thats true, can't imagine me putting it back:ashamed:

Private Ryan said:
Lol..this was about replacing in case of replacing human body parts,i can only imagine how u wud have 'refitted' the parts...:lol:

Saiyan said:
Me 2, bring it on i say:ohyeah:

super_saiyan said:
^wanna bet ??
Just tell me the shape & gimme a body...ill find it out.. :lol:

Private Ryan said:
Btw, we shud give the girl a break...i mean we wud have been in the same situation if we were given surgical instruments in our hands n asked to cut open somebody's tummy and then figure where is the spleen or the pancreas or the kidneys..:P

*:me goes and hides face:* and wows not to become doctor again :P :lol: :rofl:
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