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Re: Post screenshots of Ratio Proof - Get an Invite

only a seedbox isnt enough , it has to be a dedicated one for high level trackers . I have a shared one and my upload at thebox / indietorrents reaches 3/4mb up but crazy people there have 10mBps +
Re: Post screenshots of Ratio Proof - Get an Invite

Haha Manu .. it depends on the trackers .. I get 9MB UL on TL, revtt, bitHD, etc and +10MB UL on ScT, bitmeTV, bitme, etc. But now I'm going in for a 1Gbit seedbox and expect to UL at 90MB :O

psyph3r, I'm on kimsufi's 2XL, ATM .. going for's 1gbit connection with Quad Core cpu, 8GB ram and 2x750GB HDD in RAID 0 ... but ofcourse, its gonna be shared between friends :ashamed:

Honestly, it works out cheaper if friends get together n get it 4m the source, instead of getting it 4m resalers like superseedbox, outsystems etc :cool2:

Akshay, invite sent :D

Lemme me know if U need any further help ;)
Re: Post screenshots of Ratio Proof - Get an Invite

But dont you need to be in france/uk/portugal to buy from OVH ? isnt that why people buy from resellers ?

and IIRC the 1GBIT line is only from OVH to OVH , other traffic is still 100 mbps
Re: Post screenshots of Ratio Proof - Get an Invite

Universal & a_k_s_h_a_y

BwT invite send .. check yr Gmail add .. has33 gave me yr e-mails ...
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Re: Post screenshots of Ratio Proof - Get an Invite

^^ Yeeesh , BwT mailer is currently down , it wont reach them
Re: Post screenshots of Ratio Proof - Get an Invite

manu, I ve friends there who get it for me :)

And :
Connection: 1 Gbps
Traffic /month: Unlimited
OVH to OVH- 1 Gbps (this helps in seeding/leeching 4m other seedboxs)
OVH to Internet- 100 Mbps (FTP/Download to home PC)
SLA Premium
( on all infrastructure )
Internet to OVH- 1 Gbps (Upload 4m home PC)
Re: Post screenshots of Ratio Proof - Get an Invite

Er that helps in seeding / leeching from other seedboxes only if they are hosted on OVH , a large number of resellers including VB/WB use because they have faster setup times than OVH
Re: Post screenshots of Ratio Proof - Get an Invite

keviv86 said:
Universal & a_k_s_h_a_y
BwT invite send .. check yr Gmail add .. has33 gave me yr e-mails ...

Thank you, I hope i get them soon. Its seems they are down or something. :hap2:
Re: Giveaways

has33 said:

I could ve invited U to TL, revtt, HDbits, bit-HDTV, etc, but......

Did U even bother reading the thread :@

I ve clearly mentioned, several time that PMs will be ignored and senders go straight to my ignore list.


And now, even if U post in this thread, where U actually should ve posted this request, I'll not be able to see Ur post as U are on my ignore list, just like MohitPreet and several others.

O bai... no worries! relax...
Sometimes people do miss out on the complete thread...

Apna khoon na waste karo on such a trivial thing.. :)
Re: Post screenshots of Ratio Proof - Get an Invite

manu1991 said:
Er that helps in seeding / leeching from other seedboxes only if they are hosted on OVH , a large number of resellers including VB/WB use because they have faster setup times than OVH

HUH .. What trackers are U talking abt ???

On all my trackers, I hardly see any 4m or their resalers like whatbox, varsbox,, etc. Infact, the ratio of ppl 4m OVH and their resalers like kimsufi, seedhost, outsystem, seedplace, etc are 10:1 on my trackers and I'm on ScT, BitmeTV, Bitme, TL, revtt, bitHD, hdbits, etc.

How do U think I made the earlier posted ratio at so many High level trackers while sharing my kimsufi 2XL seedbox with 2 other ppl, in just 1 month !!!

U ve to try the service I use to believe it. PM me if U are interested in trying it out.

Manu .. checkout the screenshots for proof :bleh:

Free Image Hosting by
Re: Giveaways

udayrulz said:
Guys can any one invite to a good tracker .., i currently have the following
Zamunda , IpTorrents , Demonoid , BlackCats .

Looking for HD content and RIP's :P

Nothing for me ? :huh: :ashamed:
Re: Post screenshots of Ratio Proof - Get an Invite

I can invite U to if U think U can upload download over 10GB every month (only upload is counted on FreeLeech) or bithdtv, if U think U can be able to seed there.

Post a screenshot of your net speed and then I'll let U know which is more appropriate for you.

BTW, why no screenshot of BCG ???
Re: Post screenshots of Ratio Proof - Get an Invite

Yea .. but you should recieve it as soon as they come back on .. tell me when you do get the invite ..
Re: Post screenshots of Ratio Proof - Get an Invite

Proof : Attached

Need: bitme , blackcatgames
TIA :hap2:


  • dt.JPG
    20.7 KB · Views: 193
Re: Post screenshots of Ratio Proof - Get an Invite

Is this enough?

Just usually download regular stuff... and sometimes HD...

Thanks :D

Re: Post screenshots of Ratio Proof - Get an Invite

TAO .. U need to post screenshots (with uploads of over 250GB and a ratio of over 2) of Trackers like Scc, ScT, BitmeTV, Bitme,, BCG, TL, revtt, etc for invites to bitme and BCG. And I'll then ask U to PM me Ur user link for those trackers to reconfirm and for future proofing.

BTW, don't ve BCG, waffles,, etc, atm .. ve bitmtv, bitme, TL, revtt, etc

And U need to ve a seedbox for atleast a month.

With the ratios of trackers you provided, u wont last a month there n I'll ve to suffer.

I'm sorry but pls try n understand, my @ss is on the line here :P
Re: Post screenshots of Ratio Proof - Get an Invite

has33 said:
HUH .. What trackers are U talking abt ???

On all my trackers, I hardly see any 4m or their resalers like whatbox, varsbox,, etc. Infact, the ratio of ppl 4m OVH and their resalers like kimsufi, seedhost, outsystem, seedplace, etc are 10:1 on my trackers and I'm on ScT, BitmeTV, Bitme, TL, revtt, bitHD, hdbits, etc.

How do U think I made the earlier posted ratio at so many High level trackers while sharing my kimsufi 2XL seedbox with 2 other ppl, in just 1 month !!!

U ve to try the service I use to believe it. PM me if U are interested in trying it out.

Er i already have a kimsufi 3XL , although i share it with 5 other people :P

this is the speed i am currently getting :

Re: Post screenshots of Ratio Proof - Get an Invite

manu1991 said:
Er i already have a kimsufi 3XL , although i share it with 5 other people :P

this is the speed i am currently getting :

No wonder :P

PM me Ur IM ID .. will tip U on something.

BTW, did U check out the screenshots I just added in my earlier post ???
Re: Post screenshots of Ratio Proof - Get an Invite

has33 said:
I can invite U to if U think U can upload download over 10GB every month (only upload is counted on FreeLeech) or bithdtv, if U think U can be able to seed there.

Post a screenshot of your net speed and then I'll let U know which is more appropriate for you.

BTW, why no screenshot of BCG ???

Well no BCG because my a/c got removed due to in-activity .
Ever since i sold my 360 stopped visiting lol ..

Well i have 384Kb/s UL so ya , can do 10gb combined download + upload .

Here's a ss of my dl/ul on demonoid which i have rarely used .

By udayrulz1


Send me whichever you think is good , i generally watch LOST , Prison Break , Heroes .. and a few more .
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