Request or Offer Invites here (NO Trades!)

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Re: Giveaways

Dude, I trust U and don't take it personal but I'm telling every 1 to post screenshots of their ratio proof n so I can't be partial towards U.

Kindly post clear SS of 2 Private Trackers U ve max uploaded @, like others ve posted be4 U.

And I know Tata 2MB has UL speeds capped @ 512KB as I use the same .. therefore I got me a seedbox. So I advise U to be extra careful if U can get a seedbox.

Pls post the SS n then PM me Ur Gmail ID.
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Re: Giveaways

has33 said:
John, invited U to BitGamer n HD-Torrent :ohyeah:

ViralBuy, PM coming Ur way ;)


For some reason, some one's BitGamer invite, didn't go through.

Dunno who as it doesn't say.

Whoever it is, Pls post here n I'll send it again.

I am that unlucky guy:'( :'(
Re: Giveaways

PM cleared :D

Roxtin, BWT invites on its way ;)

H@cker, ooops :ashamed:

Sending it again in a bit :ohyeah:

And thank you for all the repps guys .. appreciate it :hap2:
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Re: Giveaways


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Re: Giveaways

Guys .. i have 1 invite for
not much but ATM thats all i have .. PM me if yr interested
Re: Giveaways

sumchamp, invited U to BitGamer but HD-Torrents is saying
This Email is already in our database!

Try recovering pass @

U already ve a registration there.

H@cker, the torrents on FL ve "
" signs next to the torrent link :S
Re: Giveaways

Hey dev, have U used torrents be4 ???

If U ve then post a screenshot of some private tracker U ve a decent ratio @.

U'll get the LL invite n a HD tracker invite, according to Ur buffer in the SS.

If U haven't used private trackers be4 then just lemme know if U know the meaning of seeders, leechers, FreeLeech etc and sign in to the HD trackers signup links posted in this post. I'll still send U a Leecherslair invite.

Re: Giveaways

Roxtin said:
Any good torrent site for downloading good quality cartoons?

viralbug said:
+1 im looking for that as well.

Cartoon Chaos - The 1st Cartoon Torrent Tracker .::. Index->Signup

I dunno how good it is as I myself just signedup there, today :cool2:

But I ve downloaded abt 150GB of Looney Toons & 30GB of Tom n Jerry 4m .. but its offline quite often .. even now :@

There are some nice Looney Toons Golden collections on FL at LL :ohyeah:

Aries said:
I have bwt invite. Which one can you give me?

Aries, I already gave it to him for free n if U post anything trade in tis thread, I personally come n crap Ur thread/post by giving free invite to the 1 U wanna trade with :ohyeah:

This is a generous Giveaway thread .. U are most welcome to generously giveaway some invites here, if there are takers :hap2:

U can also request invites to some tracker that U are looking for n if some1 has it .. will surely sent it to U without asking anything in return :tongue:

There is a sticky thread for trades n I request .. no, check that .. I ORDER U to stick Ur greedy trades to that thread :@

ELSE, I personally know 1 of the mod @ BWT n U know what they do to invite Traders :no:

I'm reporting Ur Post n personally PMing a mod to remove it. :ashamed:

If U wanna play by the rules, U are most welcome to join the party and if not, U are most welcome to take this outside with me ;)
Re: Giveaways

^ i had joined cartoon chaos when it was very new. hardly had anything then. dunno how it is now. seems my account was deleted. signups are also closed now.
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