Re: Giveaways
Lately, I ve received PMs asking for tips on improving Upload speeds n Ratios @ Private trackers.
The thing is Demonoid, all though private, has loads of external links n so I keep it in the same league as isohunt, TPB, Mininova, etc :bleh:
1. To improve Ur ratios @ trackers like BitGamer and other HD trackers .. U ve to pause the torrents that are seeding torrents 4m Public trackers, including Demonoid .. Cause, otherwise .. all Ur upload speed will be sucked by public trackers n private trackers will hardly get any UL speeds :cool2:
2. Initially, U ve to start with torrents on FreeLeech, so that your UL is increasing n DL is not being counted at all .. i.e. its still @ Zero !!! When U ve a good Buffer .. say 4~5 GB, then U can start downloading a 4~5GB torrent which is not on FL. So that, even if U don't UL even a KB, U still won't ve a problem. But always stay +1 on Ratio :cool2:
3. Finally n most importantly !!! Find out if any of the file that U already have, are there @ the tracker, U are trying to improve Ur ratio. And start seeding all the files U already ve, at all the trackers U wanna improve Ur ratio.
Say I downloaded Aynaa.Conner-RELOADED 4m demonoid n it has 66 files .. 1 nfo, 1 sfv, and rest rar file of abt 95MB each .. n the files are same @ BitGamers. All I need to do is make sure the folder will all those files ve same name as on BitGamer n are in the default folder of Utorrent (or which ever U use) .. add the torrent file 4m bitgamers n Utorrent will do a check for the files n say something like 98~99% complete. Let it finish 100% n it'll start seeding.
Then I realize that the same file is also at LeechersLair n I wana improve my ratio there as well, so I add the torrent file 4m LL as well .. n utorrent again checks n says 99% complete .. finishes 100% n starts seeding there as well
So I ve 1 Game being seeded @ 2 diff tracker, I'm trying to improve ratio or buffer-up my upload :hap2:
ATM, I ve a game "XYZ-4", seeding at ScT, revtt, TL, torrentbit, etc, on my Seed box n I ve manage 2 UL 200GB @ TL, and abt 80GB at the other trackers through that single game :tongue:
I m doing the same with my MKV files downloaded 4m diff trackers .. seeding @ HDBITS, BIT-HDTV, etc :ashamed:
All the best with seeding .. Hope it helps :hap2:
Lately, I ve received PMs asking for tips on improving Upload speeds n Ratios @ Private trackers.
The thing is Demonoid, all though private, has loads of external links n so I keep it in the same league as isohunt, TPB, Mininova, etc :bleh:
1. To improve Ur ratios @ trackers like BitGamer and other HD trackers .. U ve to pause the torrents that are seeding torrents 4m Public trackers, including Demonoid .. Cause, otherwise .. all Ur upload speed will be sucked by public trackers n private trackers will hardly get any UL speeds :cool2:
2. Initially, U ve to start with torrents on FreeLeech, so that your UL is increasing n DL is not being counted at all .. i.e. its still @ Zero !!! When U ve a good Buffer .. say 4~5 GB, then U can start downloading a 4~5GB torrent which is not on FL. So that, even if U don't UL even a KB, U still won't ve a problem. But always stay +1 on Ratio :cool2:
3. Finally n most importantly !!! Find out if any of the file that U already have, are there @ the tracker, U are trying to improve Ur ratio. And start seeding all the files U already ve, at all the trackers U wanna improve Ur ratio.
Say I downloaded Aynaa.Conner-RELOADED 4m demonoid n it has 66 files .. 1 nfo, 1 sfv, and rest rar file of abt 95MB each .. n the files are same @ BitGamers. All I need to do is make sure the folder will all those files ve same name as on BitGamer n are in the default folder of Utorrent (or which ever U use) .. add the torrent file 4m bitgamers n Utorrent will do a check for the files n say something like 98~99% complete. Let it finish 100% n it'll start seeding.
Then I realize that the same file is also at LeechersLair n I wana improve my ratio there as well, so I add the torrent file 4m LL as well .. n utorrent again checks n says 99% complete .. finishes 100% n starts seeding there as well

So I ve 1 Game being seeded @ 2 diff tracker, I'm trying to improve ratio or buffer-up my upload :hap2:
ATM, I ve a game "XYZ-4", seeding at ScT, revtt, TL, torrentbit, etc, on my Seed box n I ve manage 2 UL 200GB @ TL, and abt 80GB at the other trackers through that single game :tongue:
I m doing the same with my MKV files downloaded 4m diff trackers .. seeding @ HDBITS, BIT-HDTV, etc :ashamed:
All the best with seeding .. Hope it helps :hap2: