# Do not defy the expressed wishes of the staff!
# (New)Please respect the staff and their decisions. If you don't agree with the decision contact another staff member.
# (New)Only one account is allowed. Having more than one will result in all of them being disabled.
# (New)Accounts with no activity for 30 days will be automatically deleted. Please note that torrent traffic is not considered site activity - you have to sign in ! You can park your account (check your profile) to prevent deletion due to inactivity. The time limit for parked accounts is 100 days.
# (New)Use your account! Accounts with a cumulate traffic (download and upload) less than 10GB/month will be disabled. This is an average value, actually you are not forced to upload/download every month. Freelech download isn't taken into account.
# Donating for upload credit DOES NOT exempt you from the rules !
# Offensive Usernames will be immediately banned. This also goes for Usernames like Admin or Hd-BiTs, etc.
# Do not act in a manner that might be considered abusive towards anybody.
# (New)No other language than English in the torrent comments.
# Do not ask for freeleech. You will get a 2-week warning, or worse, be disabled.
# Users making false reports (ie reporting a torrent or a comment) will receive a 2-week warning.
# (New)Do not ask the moderators for invites. You will receive a 2-week warning.
# (New)Ask the staff to remove your warning if and only if you believe you are innocent. Violations of this rule will result in an indefinite warning. Use THIS as your first resource.
# Always respect the work of the uploader. If you don`t like the torrent , don`t comment or download it.