Reservation - your take on it

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additionally those studying there for free will spoil the atmosphere to a large extent

sumonpathak said:
and why is that?

yeah they will take their education too lightly and get flunked.
agantuk said:
I didn't / couldn't take such extreme steps, but yes, I definitely didn't get a seat in one of the top colleges inspite of having a rank 'to flatter' - which of course did nothing for me, not nearly as that rank which was mine multiplied by a 100 and some change (yes) which allowed my classmate to get a seat in the same college. Was it my seat - may be not, but definitely someone from my 'privileged' category

My marks in DCE were in the same range as the SC highest marks, and more than the ST highest marks (no OBC quota at that time)

Yet all I would have got would have been environmental engineering at best
Bluffmaster said:
A doctor who became a doctor just because a seat was reserved for him?

Anyway they will find a tough time finding customers ...i mean patients....
coz people tend to avoid doctors with weird surnames
v.Na5h said:
Anyway they will find a tough time finding customers ...i mean patients....

coz people tend to avoid doctors with weird surnames

How about stamping their degrees with the words "RESERVED CATEGORY" in bold red letters?

(and make it compulsory for doctors to display their degrees)
Completely agree with most people above ... Reservation should only be on basis on Economic Condition ... but there also, Merit & Financial Condition should ahve equal weightage ...

I did say I am one proud Indian ... even though I am an OBC, I never used it for getting any admissions anywhere ...
Politicians are following the age old policy of divide and rule.. Earlier when the british were there it was based on whether you were indian or not, now it is based on which caste you belong to! Criteria has changed but india has not advanced at all. atleast then there was unity, now in addition to the seperate castes we also have to comprehend differential treatment based on religion also!!!
Ambedkar wanted casteist reservation to last 50 years only. Do you know the reason for this? He explained quite clearly that if prolonged beyond this then the public would become lazy and further this division would hamper development. See what is happening now...
Economic help must be given to all those poor enough to need it, but reserving seats in an already emancipated society wherein seats are hard to come by is not the way. Reservation just implies that all the reserved candidates are dimwits who cannot compete with normal society. Is that the case? If so then their standards should be increased but the problems does not get solved by lowering the standards overall!!! Our society will never improve in the hands of puppet Pm's, old hags as presidents and corrupt ministers!! We need young blood to lead this country not people with one foot in the grave who need more time to take care of personal problems than solve the countries problems!
v.Na5h said:
Anyway they will find a tough time finding customers ...i mean patients....

coz people tend to avoid doctors with weird surnames

I was not aware of this. Hearing for first time
mehrotra.akash said:
My marks in DCE were in the same range as the SC highest marks, and more than the ST highest marks (no OBC quota at that time)

Doesn't that imply that the sc/st candidates are in fact backward in terms of education and hence need the aid of reservations?
mehrotra.akash said:
My marks in DCE were in the same range as the SC highest marks, and more than the ST highest marks (no OBC quota at that time)
Yet all I would have got would have been environmental engineering at best

Reminds me. I was hit not on one, but on two different colleges (both premier, though ranked on different entrance exams). In the other case, my rank wasn't that great, and I could have taken one of those aeronautical engineering stuff at some remote corner of the country, while I couldn't help be dumbstruck at the fact that another of my classmates with a rank below mine (though not as far off as in the other case) made it to the premier technical institute in the country without so much as batting an eye lid. The guy could never make eye contact with me post this.

I ended up studying at a private institution which does not have any reservation whatsoever, and I am glad I did.
chiron said:
Doesn't that imply that the sc/st candidates are in fact backward in terms of education and hence need the aid of reservations?

'The reservation should be done on the pre college level.

Subsidized coaching,etc in govt schools to bring them up to the general level..

Anyways now, General is a minority with more than 50% reservation
chiron said:
Doesn't that imply that the sc/st candidates are in fact backward in terms of education and hence need the aid of reservations?

It can also imply that SC/ST students know that their certificate will take care of them, hence they don't need to put in a lot of effort. Do you know the differences in the cut off for an SC/ST cut and that for a general category student? When someone can get into the same college with much lesser investment (marks), why spend so much time studying?
Why would an sc/st student intentionally take it easy when there are others in their category who are competing for seats too? If someone can get into a top college in the state with reservation then wouldn't the logical thing to do be to put more effort into getting into a top one in the country instead?
agantuk said:
It can also imply that SC/ST students know that their certificate will take care of them, hence they don't need to put in a lot of effort.

+1. Have seen this kinda attitude among few people.
Again, doesn't that mean that within their community there is very little competition which is why some of the people who studied with you are able to take it so easy?
Ok, best example

Make TE have 50% accounts reserved solely for SC/ST/OBC people

Remember that TE should provide computers, internet and training to use the net to SC/ST/OBS as well

Also, these people cannot be screened unless more than the no. of seats have applied.

Now, come back after 2 months and see what TE becomes

Dont even think about doing IRL (the fact that its impossible is another story)

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chiron said:
Again, doesn't that mean that within their community there is very little competition which is why some of the people who studied with you are able to take it so easy?

So, they should be allowed to continue to take it easy?
What the reservation system has given us is incompetemce everywhere. Teachers, Police officers, engineers/sceintists in PSUs, doctors who are simply not good enough for their prescirbed duty get the jobs simply becasue they had reservation. Its a womb to tomb free ride, you dont have to study, you get into the top colleges anyway. You just need to attend the interview, you need not even speak. the job is yours.

Give a man a fish, he will eat for one day. Teach him to fish and he will have food for a lifetime. Doling out freebies isnt really the way to uplift the poor and underpivileged.
I remember the IIT-JEE cut offs for maths being 70 for General category and around 10-12 for ST. This was four years ago. I actually went and asked my dad if i could change my caste so that i could study less. He said that it wasn't possible :hap5:. I joined a private University which gave me 50% fee concession based on my 12th marks. :) It did hurt when i saw some of my friends getting into top institutes with these caste certificates. But, just like a normal Indian, i slowly forgot about it and think of it only when i see discussions like this. Damn.. Those friends got placed with amazing salaries and had international internships while i m still waiting for my campus placements. :( Only, if i was an ST or something.. Hard luck..
pranavreddy said:
I remember the IIT-JEE cut offs for maths being 70 for General category and around 10-12 for ST. This was four years ago. I actually went and asked my dad if i could change my caste so that i could study less. He said that it wasn't possible :hap5:. I joined a private University which gave me 50% fee concession based on my 12th marks. :) It did hurt when i saw some of my friends getting into top institutes with these caste certificates. But, just like a normal Indian, i slowly forgot about it and think of it only when i see discussions like this. Damn.. Those friends got placed with amazing salaries and had international internships while i m still waiting for my campus placements. :( Only, if i was an ST or something.. Hard luck..

And we wonder why foreigners still think of India as the land of cows and snakes..
mehrotra.akash said:
Ok, best example

Make TE have 50% accounts reserved solely for SC/ST/OBC people

Remember that TE should provide computers, internet and training to use the net to SC/ST/OBS as well

Also, these people cannot be screened unless more than the no. of seats have applied.

Now, come back after 2 months and see what TE becomes

Yeah, TE is infact a good example of a theoretical situation where there is no reservation; I'd bet over 90% of the people here are not from the SC/ST/OBC categories.
chiron said:
Yeah, TE is infact a good example of a theoretical situation where there is no reservation; I'd bet over 90% of the people here are not from the SC/ST/OBC categories.

Even those that are here have come through the normal process, so they are equals
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