Road to Perdition (ub3r OC)!

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zhopudey said:
:O Funky isnt that your zebby 640w?? What does the dmm say?

Anish said:
Hey Funky what happened to the Zebby eh ;)

kidoman said:
man ur 12V rails! damn they r down to 11.83 V. i am sure if u run gfx + cpu combo, u will hv a reboot cuz then the GPU will also down a whole lot of powa!

Rule No 1 : Do not trust your mobo sensor ;)
kidoman said:
can anyone send me one? i will transfer the cash.......... (i hope this is against the rulez..... no piracy)

for once get ur @ss to the local store and buy one :P

and piracy? what areu talking about? hardware piracy :S
Rave said:
for once get ur @ss to the local store and buy one :P
and piracy? what areu talking about? hardware piracy :S
yus........ tomo i get my ass down to that place and buy one. i am getting stuck @ 2.520 Ghz...... p95 failing after 20 mins............ @ 1.42 V......... let me get a DMM and i will fix things..........
lolz... I just bought for my local friends here... costed me 150 each... Shdhave asked me...Would have shipped with the opty... Now better buy from there as courier charges will be an overkill...
Nikhil said:
yeah..... I know that. But then what does the AMD heatsink have that the XP-90 does not have??

XP90 has aluminum pipes and AMDs DC Opty HSF has Copper Pipes.

Donno but some how these copper pipes might be helping.

I am using Funkies DC Opty HSF and trust me guys this HAF rocks for Single cores.

I remember Darky and Funky having a chat when Darky was using a XP90
and he had reached 57C on his Opty 170 , the same day when i got the
DC opty HSF from Funky.

Also DC CPUS disspate more heat than single cores thats why amd came up with this this heat pipe based hsf for the DC core chips.
Well it works like this.

Copper is better absorbant of heat.

Aluminium is better decipator of heat.

If heatsink is full copper you need really good cfm fan to get the best out of it.

If you have all aluminium its light and good at decipating heat.

When you have mix of copper and aluminium specially coppor bottom and aluminium fins then its best of both.

Copper absorbs the heat effeciently and aluminium decipates it effeciently. Making it ideal combination if its good design.

Hope that helps ;)

Guys also remember this AMD HSF is lot smaller and XP-90. Its compact and mor than good :)
The Heatsink is better but that Fan is pathetic.

Youll have to replace the fan if you want to stick with the Stock DC HS.
@funky.... I know abt Cu and Al. I am also an ENGG student :P

Anyway, looks like the XP-90 is only Al while the AMD HS has a Cu base and AL fins.... right??
Its Copper base and heatpipes and aluminium fins.

Its very compact. I will show you comparison images of xp-90 and that heatsink side by side.

And goldy the fan is best thing on that heatsink. Its delta specially designed for AMD. its dead silent and does good job at cooling. You can manually increase its speed upto 5k odd rpm if needed. And its thermally controlled as well. Ofcourse you can always screw on any other 80mm fan on it.
hmm....... some changes....... i went to a local hardware store and bought myself a nice little Rs 330/- walla DMM. He had one for Rs 110/- (looked awefully like funky's) but I overlooked it (:P) + I got some "Thermal Compound" costing Rs 2/- and slapped my Hyper6+ on. Temps are down somewhat but not as much as they would go down with AS5+ applied. Also did the PWM mod and now the CM fan is running @ full throttle @ 3600 RPM @ 80 CFM Air. Its noisy but chalta hai :D

I wish I could post pics like you guys, but I dont have access to a DIGICAM.

Use nalla roll walla camera and get the Pics scanned :bleh:...

Post some scores biatch....

4th page of your Overclock thread and no scores by you yet.

Wth are you upto :bleh:

Edit : Btw, what is a DMM called in India Lang? No guy hre understands if i say DMM :S..
goldie@ MultiMeter or Digital MultiMeter, why would you go say DMM :S

Kido@ did not notice anything about your memory timings, would you care to elaborate on that ?
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