If absolute humidity is the vapour concentration measured in g/cc, which you appear to agree to -
Then the absolute humidity changes with temperature or pressure even though no water is added or removed, because, as the gas equation states, the volume increases with the temperature and decreases with the pressure
So both absolute and relative humidity change with any change in temperature.Absolute humidity | Water Vapor, Air Temperature, Relative Humidity | Britannica
Absolute humidity, the vapour concentration or density in the air. If mv is the mass of vapour in a volume of air, then absolute humidity, or dv, is simply dv = mv/ V, in which V is the volume and dv is expressed in grams per cubic metre. This index indicates how much vapour a beam of radiationwww.britannica.com
I need to recall some high school physics or was it chemistry - gas laws, anyone ?!
Since you are talking about high school physics, may be websites focusing on MCQs for school tests might clear it up for you.
On an increase of absolute humidity and temperature, what is the effect on the relative humidity?A) IncreaseB) DecreaseC) Maybe increaseD) Maybe decrease
On an increase of absolute humidity and temperature, what is the effect on the relative humidity?A) IncreaseB) DecreaseC) Maybe increaseD) Maybe decrease. Ans: Hint: Relative humidity is used in weather forecasts and reports. It is expressed in perce...