Saddam Deserve Hanging?

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I know this is not a matter to be actually discussed on TE but its my view point.

Does Saddam Deserve Death Penalty???

I vote against it,:no:
I realise that since Saddam was the Head of State of his country and has been accused of Genocide, but The court of Justice, I believe is highly manipulated by the External influence which is pretty obviously known to everyone.
Saddam may or may not have committed those crimes, but here I want to talk about it does, the Head of State deserve such a punishment, espicially at the hands of Foreign Forces. The War on Iraq I believe is highly illegal and US has not right to enter and wage war on any country, on so called Security Risk,

Members I want to know your opinion........
He soooooo deserves the death penalty.

Not once but a thousand times over. There is no question abt it. He didnt even deserve a trial.

But what I feel bad abt is that the US is responsible for him getting executed :P

Honestly, the US is also a major troublemaker all over the world. I would have been happy if Saddam had been given the death penalty by the UN or the ICJ or something like that .

But he totally deserves to die.
He doesn't deserve death.

May be something much worse... something like.. "HELL ON EARTH"

For techies like us, a day without the Comp/Net :D

for saddam?
jayken said:
He doesn't deserve death.
May be something much worse... something like.. "HELL ON EARTH"

maybe he should be made to clean up the mess dubya just made in iraq :rofl:
I am against the death penality esp since the US is responsible for it.

I know what ever he has done, does deserve punishment, but not like this...

The United Nations should have been involved in the Judicial Enquiry.

The trial given to him, is not Justice......
hmasalia said:
I am against the death penality esp since the US is responsible for it.
I know what ever he has done, does deserve punishment, but not like this...
The United Nations should have been involved in the Judicial Enquiry.
The trial given to him, is not Justice......

Life is unfair man!
Hotstuff said:
He shud be hanged to an entire magazine should be emptied into him by a machine gun..sinful bastrd

that is just what he wants....he has asked to be executed by a firing squad instead of hanging.

Getting executed by a firing squad is actually less painful..... dont give Saddam that pleasure :P
He doesn't deserve the death penalty. Sure he did some bad things like any
other dictator, but no worse than what dozens of American Presidents have
done all over the World.

Isn't it ironic that he is being punished for killing those who wanted to kill him,
by those who killed 600,000 people in Iraq alone for finding "WMDs"?

It's only a brutal and pornographic display of American might, nothing else.
As for our fellow members who are almost celebrating the penalty - don't always
believe whatever crap Western media comes up with. Saddam was way better
during 35 years of his ruling in Iraq, which you cannot even compare with only
2 years of American colonialism there.

To Americans - hang him because you can, not because he deserved it.
If Saddam deserves to be hanged....then Dubya deserves to be hanged too!!!

Dubya i think respomsible for the death of more Iraqi's then Saddam is....because of that monkey-face so many ppl are dying hang Dubya first....
yup... he was just a fall guy the americans needed. if they really wanted to keep WMD's out of rogue states, they should have looked elsewhere ;).

reminds me of the old joke with the indian police beating up the tiger to make it confess to being a lion :lol:
death penaly should be avoided.. he should be kept in prison and made to suffer and made to realise what he has done.. death is inevitible. it will come one day but he should be made suffered for pains he has caused others. let him realise.. death is just last resort after it he will not feel any pain of suffering its one time........ he should have been made suffered in prison .
Yamaraj said:
He doesn't deserve the death penalty. Sure he did some bad things like any
other dictator, but no worse than what dozens of American Presidents have
done all over the World.

Isn't it ironic that he is being punished for killing those who wanted to kill him,
by those who killed 600,000 people in Iraq alone for finding "WMDs"?

It's only a brutal and pornographic display of American might, nothing else.
As for our fellow members who are almost celebrating the penalty - don't always
believe whatever crap Western media comes up with. Saddam was way better
during 35 years of his ruling in Iraq, which you cannot even compare with only
2 years of American colonialism there.

To Americans - hang him because you can, not because he deserved it.

what r u saying. u sitting here and justifying saddam .. and blaming american presidents..... for wht but ?

if it was not america i guess saddam would have never been bought to trial . which other country has that much of guts in their ass with that much of money power like US. ..
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