Storage Solutions Safest method to erase DVD RW's

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Hi Guys

Yesterday i erased my friends sony dvd+rw in my benq 1640.
It want detected later it got erased successfully at 2.4x in like 2mins.

But when i tried the erased DVD+RW in college DVD Writer it was detected.
Lol i was clueless what was going on.

Also now i got myself a Moser Baer DVD+RW so wanted to ask u guys before
i screw up a DVD+RW.

Please guys suggest me what went wrong.
That DVD+RW was not at all detected in my Benq DW1640.

I have Nero 6 Ultra Edition & Benq DW 1640 Firmware is BSHB [thats what i saw in device mgr]
Where can i check my firmware.
Also is a firmware upgrade needed.
quad about erasing, use this program, its freeware, DVDInfoPro
This will quick format a correctly mounted valid media. This option is compatiblewith DVD-RW or DVD+RW only. Any attempt to use CD-RW will result in an error.For DVD+RW it works in conjunction with the ‘compatible close’ option discussed later.
For this type of media a format type 26h (DVD+RW Basic format) is performed.It works in conjunction with ‘Compatible Close’. When the foreground part of this background format is completed, the program suspends the background format by issuing a ‘close session’ command. The length of time this close takes depends on the setting of the ‘Compatible Close’ setting.
Have u used this personally dip.
Also guys cmon theres no one here who erases a DVD , plz post the softwares u use and have had success also benq 1640 users plz post.
QM - I have the BENQ 1640 and use Moser 4x +RW as well as Sony 4x +RW and I use them often - I use Nero 6 to erase these disks. Never had a problem ............ YET !!

I always run a Quick erase but if ever I run into a problem with a disk not erasing I will run a Full erase on it.

I had a lot of Verbatim and other cheap brands of CDRW's and if I ever had a problem erasing one of the cheap brands I used to run the freeware SuperBlank to erase the disk This program was amazing it would sucessfully erase a disk which could not be recognised by the drive !!! I wonder if SuperBlank works on DVDRWs.
I also use nero itself...... Give it another try dude!!! Dont have a panic attack if once it does not work :P

Try the Full Erase if the Quick erase is giving you problems.
How can i check my current firmware on the benq.

Also is it req to update the firmware , can someone suggest me a proper firmware to update.
And the tool used to update a firmware.

will do a full format on the moser baer dvd+rw.

My Nero Version is Ultra Edt.
Quad Master said:
I have Nero 6 Ultra Edition & Benq DW 1640 Firmware is BSHB [thats what i saw in device mgr]
Where can i check my firmware.
Also is a firmware upgrade needed.

BSHB is a bit old now... Firmware shows up on boot when drives are listed as well as in Nero under Recorder - Choose Recorder

See my post about how to flash BENQ firmware and other misc info also check the messages that follow this one.....

Do you want to make your drive RPC1 (region free) than get the firmware from

For BENQ firmwares go to

the BENQ 1640 BSLB and BSOB are meant to be good the BSMB is buggy. I use BSLB RPC1 verson from the link I have given.
Yes checked in Nero it shows BSHB.

Thanks eazy , so rpc 1 means region free firmware.

BSOB Release Date: 23-Dec-2005
BSLB Release Date: 31-Aug-2005

And ur BSLB RPC1.

Cant we use a software like DVD Idle Pro in background to bypass region checking.

And we can use official BSOB.
Quad Master said:
Cant we use a software like DVD Idle Pro in background to bypass region checking.

You may be right in this ..... BUT .... I have a friend who has a lot of movies from China which is Region 6 and I cannot take a chance on getting my DVD drives getting locked to this region !! :O

I use ANYDVD as well RPC1 firmware - better to be safe than sorry !!!
I use Slysoft AnyDVD in background to bypass region checking & dvd protections no lock up's till now..
If you want a freeware region protection software check out DVD Region Killer. I run this on my second setup and it is pretty good.

By-The-Way BSLB firmware is NOT very good with -R media - if you are going to use -R's then use the BSOB firmware - this is the reason why I switched to +R Moser media which burns fine with BSLB RPC1.
Ok thanks a lot Eazy.

I dont get many Movie DVD's and DVD Idle Pro works gr8 at my uncles place as i only had recommended him and even worked gr8 on my old rig.

So will use BSOB with DVD Idle Pro.
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