Saints Row IV - Discussion thread

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quan chi

Saints Row IV release date announced

Saints Row 4 launches on 20th August 2013 in the US and 23rd August 2013 everywhere else, a just-published trailer reveals.

Saints Row 4 is planned for release on PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, and is made by series developer Volition.

Yep co-op was really fun in SR III.:D Hope this time they atleast make the game stable.Though there is no info on co-op yet but I think it will be there.

Co-op was a blast in SR III. I'll probably get my processor upgraded by then, so I don't think performance should be an issues, assuming they are using the same engine. Come to think of it, SR III performed decently on my current hardware with max settings too. Anyway, I hope there is LAN co-op and the whole absurdity of the plot remains.
^^Nope many people including me experienced choppy frames in between without any reason.Somewhat like far cry 3.I dont know what was the problem then.
Saints row the third was awesome...never had more fun while playing open world games...hope this one also exceeds expectations .
Its not available for sale in India. On steam it costs 50 or 60 US dollars. No wonder, nobody is playing it. I had bought SR 3 in humble bundle. Guess I'll have to wait for this one to show up in Humble Bundle too... :(
It will show up in sales before long, but given the state of our currency I wonder how long it will take before it's worth buying. The Russian copy is region locked, so no chance of getting it from there for lower prices.
Just playing this game, it's done but still playing, what a fun. Seriously, I love it. All those powers, uff. I hate Zombies, but the other things in this game are fantastic. Recorded so much, but can't post them anywhere, what a shame :p
Btw, I have done everything but how do I destroy those bots, which folds and rolls like a ball and then unfolds and shoot laser to you? Tried lot of things, those things don't move!
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