- Expected Price (Rs)
- 10000
- Shipping from
- Bengaluru
- Item Condition
- 5 out of 5
- Payment Options
- Bank Transfer
- Purchase Date
- Jun 2, 2020
- Shipping Charges
- Local buyers only
- Have you provided two pics?
- Yes
- Remaining Warranty Period
- 0
- Invoice Available?
- No
- Reason for Sale
- Buying a new gaming monitor with KVM built in
I bought this monitor during covid in 2020. I have been using it since.
Now, planning to get a better monitor with KVM built-in.
The original adapter stopped working, so have been using a third party adapter for my monitor. Have attached a pic of it as well.
There's no warranty remaining, but the monitor is in excellent condition. There are no scratches of scuff marks, and I handle it very well (since I use this daily).
Looking for a local pick up, since I do have the box it came in, but I am not certain of my ability to ship an item like a monitor. In case anyone can help out with a courier that will help me pack and ensure it wont break, happy to ship this too.
I bought it originally for 15500 from SP Road during lockdown(when no movement of goods was allowed. fun times). Here's the samsung page for the monitor: https://www.samsung.com/in/business/monitors/gaming/curved-gaming-monitor-lc24rg50fqwxxl/
Now, planning to get a better monitor with KVM built-in.
The original adapter stopped working, so have been using a third party adapter for my monitor. Have attached a pic of it as well.
There's no warranty remaining, but the monitor is in excellent condition. There are no scratches of scuff marks, and I handle it very well (since I use this daily).
Looking for a local pick up, since I do have the box it came in, but I am not certain of my ability to ship an item like a monitor. In case anyone can help out with a courier that will help me pack and ensure it wont break, happy to ship this too.
I bought it originally for 15500 from SP Road during lockdown(when no movement of goods was allowed. fun times). Here's the samsung page for the monitor: https://www.samsung.com/in/business/monitors/gaming/curved-gaming-monitor-lc24rg50fqwxxl/