Samsung I5801 Galaxy3 listed in Univercell for Rs.Rs 10,769 /-(Approx)

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agm_105 said:
^ its with a dealer here in vashi ...still negotiating...

and today i did try i5801.....i must say the phone is fast ...i cudnt try many application ...but writing an sms with swpye was good . also the resolution didnt look that bad . it had .mp4 file in it and it played well ...but after wacthing videos on wave ..nuthing suits my eyes :S .... best price i got for galaxy3 is 12K...and yes its the same one released in uk with yea the shiny front is there which some ppl wont really like...can anyone tryout this phone and list some pros and cons....need to decided between wave and galaxy 3 ...or something better.
Please tell me which shop, eyeing the Wave, thinking of buying it over the weekend
^^ all hail lord bori .... :P ..even i m trying to get my hands on tht phone..but worried about the heating issues....

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madnav said:
*Those who found the i5801 to be smoother.. Go to Settings > Sound and Display > Animation. Select all animations.

Resolution and screen size size was disappointment.
You can see text distorted while scrolling.
The brightness is pathetic. The maximum brightness level was just a little above i5700's minimum brightness level.
There is no physical camera key.
The swype keyboard looks crappy on slimmer screen.
I seriously did not like the build quality of the back cover.
I would request not selling i5700 for this one to those who are considering this. It is not worth its price. Why samsung did this is beyond my understanding.
Sent from my Cell Fone using TapaTalk. :) Pardon me for any typos. :P

Tried this out at reliance digital again. lagging or anything be very sure added 8 homescreens and added almost all widgets available...went into applications and checked the programs running in background .
then started wifi and bluetooth and 3g . ..still going good. so ultimately with all these things going on started videoplayer....and it played it smoothly. no lags or slowness.
closed the video. started music player it played well but didnt put it on too loud ... where did u try out the phone....???

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and yes ...swype will take time to learn....and turning your phone in landscape mode will give you enough space . the thing about text i couldnt see it...maybe i will look more closely later or someone who has the phone can confirm it. and yes phone doesn't gets warm or hot after even 20 mins of continuous fidgeting :P
aah finally , today I found this Samsung Galaxy 3 @ Reliance Digital , tried it .

to be honest , I didn't found any such lagging or etc , Touchwiz 3 is very fast , swaype need practice(for me sure ) .

For entry level android phone & price, you can't find better . people comparing it with other Wave & others should keep in mind that you can't expect same things in 12k (galaxy 3 ) & 18k (wave).

Rs. 12,300/- @Reliance digital right now :@ which is launch price they are like keeping premium as no other dealers have this phone in stock .

may be around Diwali we can see it at lower price :ashamed:
agm_105 said:
^^ all hail lord bori .... :P ..even i m trying to get my hands on tht phone..but worried about the heating issues....

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Tried this out at reliance digital again. lagging or anything be very sure added 8 homescreens and added almost all widgets available...went into applications and checked the programs running in background .

then started wifi and bluetooth and 3g . ..still going good. so ultimately with all these things going on started videoplayer....and it played it smoothly. no lags or slowness.

closed the video. started music player it played well but didnt put it on too loud ... where did u try out the phone....???

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and yes ...swype will take time to learn....and turning your phone in landscape mode will give you enough space . the thing about text i couldnt see it...maybe i will look more closely later or someone who has the phone can confirm it. and yes phone doesn't gets warm or hot after even 20 mins of continuous fidgeting :P
i didnt open as many apps.

lag was experienced in animations while opening and closing apps.

i basically opened gallery and sms.

i also created a draft msg saying swype on galaxy3 sucks if you notice (assuming they didnt delete) :P

the tearing thing, try entering setting which has many items so that you can scroll.. it kind of looks edgy and tearing (like no AA in games on pc :P) may just be their colour theming.
madnav said:
lag was experienced in animations while opening and closing apps.
Did you check the version of Android on the phone you were using? The earlier one was reported to have some lagging.
this phone is the best in its class better than wildfire and xperia x8. build quality is something I didn't like about this played around with this phone today. Well the phone in its normal course is good there is no lag. Installed the launcherpro app and then it lagged a bit but only during the opening and closing animations nothing else. U should remember that even the HTC legend has only a 600Mhz proccy. This ones definitely better than HTC legend.
Plus points:
* 660 Mhz proccy (better than most low end android mobiles)
* Divx support
* Easy to root
* Froyo update is on the way
* DLNA support (for those who use it)

Minus points
* Seriously android deserves better screens atleast HVGA
* Build quality could be better something where even Nokia is a better example
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