Samsung Wave S8500 India release

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Re: Samsung Wave S8500 India release??

sujithbvm said:
Finally i got the GPS working,,,it is too good,,,:)
nice to hear tht........ it does take 3-5mins to get sat lock...... same as 5800XM.....

India Maps r reasonably well detailed....... but the battery drains out very quick......... will reach critical frm full charge in 4-5 hrs.

Also srceen brightness goes to very high in GPS....... one of the reasons for battery drain.......
Re: Samsung Wave S8500 India release??

yogi7272 said:
All the info here - Home -
Nice find! , will bookmark it. Might come in handy!


The gps does get a lock, but i am having troubles navigating, it asks for some activation and then not supported or something like it is displayed.


Anyway did the battery test today. Was watching a movie for 36 minutes with a brightness settings of 4 and speaker [not earphone] volume set to 11 and the battery drained was 8%. Is this normal?

Went off to sleep at 2.00 am and woke up at 7.30 am. battery dropped was 2-3%.

Is this normal?
Re: Samsung Wave S8500 India release??

@arpan 8% dropped meaning 92% left would mean a normal battery unless you meant it reduced to 8% ( 92 % consumption).

On samsung wave phone news, the Samsung wave has touched the million mark in sales. I guess samsung has got a decent headstart and hope the bada os gets regular firmware updates and nice applications.

I got my black Wave for 18.2K at the samsung outlet in bangalore. It comes with a leather pouch and 2 GB mem card. I should have done some searching for better prices though.

The link.

Samsung Wave sales reach 1M, Galaxy S keeps the pace - news
Re: Samsung Wave S8500 India release??

^^ Great news,,,did they say what will be the changes in the Bada 1.1?

@Arpan...i think that is normal,,by the way what app u using to check the battery? Though i noticed one thing that the app Battery Life and inbuilt battery calculator dont exactly ,,there is always 10-15% differnce between the two...

@muni_blr .....Congrats....which samsung outlet u got the black one,,,,when i asked this ppl told me that only one colour is there ....But the Gray is rocking toooo....;)
Re: Samsung Wave S8500 India release??


I use the inbuilt battery calculator as The app Battery life is incorrect. Agreed, Both the colors are awesome either Ebony gray or Metallic Black.

The major upgrade in Bada 1.1 should be Flash10 support for the browser.
Re: Samsung Wave S8500 India release??

that game looks interesting... too bad its a paid one :( hmmm. Even i have the GPS navigation problem. It asks to activate but when i say yes it gives some problem :( besides the flash support i hope they introduce text re flow as well in the browser :) it is really needed. Im glad the wave is doing so well as i had expected. I hope this keeps on going :)
Re: Samsung Wave S8500 India release??

Atleast BADA1.1 release will prove that Samsung will not leave BADA users in the lurch like they did for earlier phones. Lot of people are averse to Samsung for precisely this reason.
Re: Samsung Wave S8500 India release??

Did anyone tried the Java games on the wave,,,see the link below,,it has Splinter Cell Conviction, Predators and Iron man....

Java Games
Re: Samsung Wave S8500 India release??

hey Soumalidon are the applications from the like ebuddy multi Messenger safe to use?

I just downloaded ebuddy multi Messenger from
Re: Samsung Wave S8500 India release??

im not sure honestly.. im a little skeptical about those things so i jus leave em alone. Many people i know do use them so i guess its pretty safe. Perhaps someone else can give a clearer picture?????? BTW have you noticed that NO themes are available as of yet!!!!!!!!! Whats up with that!!! They should have released a few themes atleast!!
Re: Samsung Wave S8500 India release??

ya only one theme,,at least some themes should have to be developed by the developers first........but check out the link below,,it has many other things also...

And i have one more doubt...right now palringo supports Gtalk and AIM only right? By the way wat is this AIM
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