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For Sale Product Information
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For Sale Product Information
- Product Name: Sapphire HD 6670 1GB GDDR5
- Expected Price: Rs 4400
- Shipping charges:
- Manufacturer page URL:
- Description if any: i m planning to buy an intel pc and with intel i prefer nvidia that so y this card is not used at all
- Reason for Sale: buying a higher one
- Product condition: 10 out of 10
- Purchase Date: 3 march 2012
- Remaining Warranty period: 3 yrs
- Warranty available in: bot from NP Delhi
- Invoice Available: yes
Basic information about myself
- Shipping from: Delhi
- Shipping to: All over India, Local buyer,
- Preferred courier:
- Payment options: Cash bank transfer
Buyers can follow these basic guidelines to be safe when buying goods online