Graphic Cards Sayonara ATI

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AMD pissed me off enough already, and they better leave the ATI brand name, Logo etc. alone.

I am no longer an AMD fan. Bullshit on them.
Switch said:
Dont worry undy... ATI may losse its name for good but nVidia will be done and dusted in coming years if things remain the same... Green Mean Thing has nowhere to go :P...

Don't worry in a few years ATi(or whatever it is called then) will probably be doing what it should have always done- concentrate on integrated graphics so that AMD can take on intel in the OEM segment where the big bucks lie and the Nvidia shall rule supreme.:D
Death to the FanATics!:ohyeah:
undertaker said:
Don't worry in a few years ATi(or whatever it is called then) will probably be doing what it should have always done- concentrate on integrated graphics so that AMD can take on intel in the OEM segment where the big bucks lie and the Nvidia shall rule supreme.:D
Death to the FanATics!:ohyeah:
:rofl: What's amusing is that you find hope(for Nv) and take joy over a rumour. Fact is Nvidia's main competitor has suddenly grown big and has the backing of AMD.
Imagine this, AMD stays competitive with s939 and am2 using the price factor and K8L turns out to be great, ATi providing chipsets for them which are usually great and gpus i.e. r600 family as well. The end comsumers get a fantastic cpu+gpu+chipset bundle and happily settle for this awesome combo. And i don't expect a intel/Nv cause their relationship hasn't been great at all :lol:

PS: ATi can also look towards AMDs fab which are much better than what TSMC/UMC offer........Just remove those green tinted glasses and see things from both sides. I thought once you used some good products from ATi your perspective might change........but ah well, somethings never change.
Blade_Runner said:
:rofl: What's amusing is that you find hope(for Nv) and take joy over a rumour. Fact is Nvidia's main competitor has suddenly grown big and has the backing of AMD.
Imagine this, AMD stays competitive with s939 and am2 using the price factor and K8L turns out to be great, ATi providing chipsets for them which are usually great and gpus i.e. r600 family as well. The end comsumers get a fantastic cpu+gpu+chipset bundle and happily settle for this awesome combo. And i don't expect a intel/Nv cause their relationship hasn't been great at all :lol:

I agree. With ATI, AMD can finally market great bundles à la Centrino.

PS: ATi can also look towards AMDs fab which are much better than what TSMC/UMC offer........Just remove those green tinted glasses and see things from both sides. I thought once you used some good products from ATi your perspective might change........but ah well, somethings never change.

Well, right now, AMD can't even produce enough processors in their fabs:) . I don't think many ATI GPUs will be flying out from AMD's fabs any time soon...
mjp1618 said:
Well, right now, AMD can't even produce enough processors in their fabs:) . I don't think many ATI GPUs will be flying out from AMD's fabs any time soon...
I know i wasn't referring to the immediate future either :)
whats wrong with a brand change. Why would it be a bad move on the part of AMD? I thinks its the way to go. AMD wants to emphasize to the world that its a takeover rather than a merger. AMD has enough brand recognition to handle this. I dont think that sales will be dratically affected.
Well, I must reiterate that NVIDIA is a lauch partner of AMD. There was an announcement on the nZone site saying that NVIDIA fully intends to continue its partnership with AMD, and it doesn't look like they're gonna break up very soon.

This puts AMD in an awkward position. They've got NVIDIA as launch partner, and ATI as part of their company. If the marketing department rules over the decisions, there is a very good chance that ATI may not make high-end GPUs any longer and simply concentrate on integrated graphics chipsets, which are to be used on NVIDIA mobos (since NVIDIA is the mobo launch partner for AMD). :o

Strange but this is how it happens in business. However, I hope this does not happen.

Oh BTW, it is possible the next generation Radeons may be the last to use the Radeon name. After that, AMD may want another name for the GPUs.
^^Integrated graphics developed by ATi and used on Nvidia mobos; wth?Thats ludicrous dude.But AMD should have merged with Nvidia rather than Ati as that made much more sense.But what is likely to happen is that ATi will be relegated to making integrated cores for AMD based platforms eventually, so we will have both Nvidia and AMD(Ati) making chipsets with integrated graphics for AMD proccys.

Remember Intel still is the dominant supplier of GPUs and AMD may want to change that by focussing ATi on the integrated segment- a thought that ATi-fans dread.
i dont think they will make ati switch to onboard completely :S .. that would be the end of it... maybe ATi would become less competetive in the high end graphics segment meaning they wouldnt roll out as many cards as they are now and maybe focus a wee bit more on graphics market share... eventually Nvidia will take over the performance crown :no: but ATi will eventually have more market share :D
It looks like this acquisition just might be the death of ATI. At least as a brand name, that is. CustomPC had the chance to interview AMD's Gareth Carter, who stated assuredly that after the deal is finished, "The new company will be called AMD."

Richard Baker, Marketing Manager for AMD in Northern Europe, also weighed in during the interview, saying that it was unknown whether the familiar Radeon brand name would bite the dust as well. "'We haven't made any final decisions yet," he said. "But I'd personally be very surprised if we dropped any of those product names. The ATI company name is definitely going, though."

Baker went out of his way during the interview to stress the fact that the AMD/ATI deal was in no way a merger, but instead a complete takeover. Therefore, it is sensible that AMD would no longer retain the monikers of the acquired company, instead opting for a uniform brand-name throughout its products. What that means for future product names, of course, we cannot even speculate.

Chris Hook, Head of European PR at ATI, also provided a response to CustomPC on the name dump, stating "I don't have a personal emotional attachment to it, one way or another." He then moved topics to talking a little bit about what is to (hopefully) come of the acquisition:

"I think the important thing is that we're going to make good products. ATI may be gone, but certainly lots of discussion is going to come over the next few days about the rest of our brands and their strengths." | Bye bye, ATI?
Its not all that ludicrous undertaker :)

All competitive ties with NVIDIA will have to disappear if AMD wants it. AMD now pulls ATI's strings. So if AMD wants it, ATI will have to develop chips to work with NVIDIA chipsets. The matter is whether NVIDIA will agree to use Radeon chips.

VIA also has S3 for integrated graphics; so that leaves only SiS in the playing field. But even they develop their own integrated graphics chips.

And if ATI leaves the high-end market, current Radeons will still remain supported. And don't worry, NVIDIA will not remain unchallenged, it is possible S3 may jump on the oppurtunity ;)

You may want to read this, it raises some good points about why the ATI brand name should be preserved:

X-bit labs - Hardware news - AMD Talks on ATI Technologies Brand-Name’s Future.
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