Selling Stolen Products in Market section

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I thing everyone missed the above post.
The drives were purchased from pramahhikvision by two different retail partners from two different states and both the retail partners are active on ecommerce platforms.
This is all I can say. now please arrive at your own conclusion.
I dont want to involve myself in this matter since a legal angle is involved.
please lets continue in the other thread
retail partners are active on ecommerce platforms.
I am now 100% sure .....that the products sold by @ganesh have been obtained from Amazon/Flipkart by committing fraud(keeping original products and sending back used products and claiming refund)
m happy that that fraud is banned even though its for another reason.
Jak why are you acting like a coward ...
jak i want you to answer the following question. your answer will clear out the confusion/misinterpretation of your above post.

"Based on the conclusion you have arrived after tracing the serial number of the drives. Will you buy from @ganesh_2218 if he gives you a good deal.?"
please please please answer openly in the thread. This will help everyone and probably settle the issue once and for all.
Answer the above question.
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No man, it was mentioned first by rdst i think here. But didn't you check the other concerned thread too? More masala there! Btw ban is for abusing a member not for the 'scam' itself.
Ya saw that..hopefully the ban is permanent one.
His deals are good but he feels like some king of Te here without any fear and I have conversed with him with unsatisfactory or zero responses so decided better not to deal. I have already highlighted his deal where it says brand new few days old but no warranty... this is fishy and impossible as these days one can fetch invoice online or from the shop or the person.
No comments further.
Wait for a thread may be next week which will be eye-popping and something which is new here...eye-opener kind of. So more alerts coming down the lane..stay tuned..:cool:
jak i want you to answer the following question. your answer will clear out the confusion/misinterpretation of your above post.

"Based on the conclusion you have arrived after tracing the serial number of the drives. Will you buy from @ganesh_2218 if he gives you a good deal.?"
please please please answer openly in the thread. This will help everyone and probably settle the issue once and for all.

No I will not purchase from him.
I was just wondering if something like this is what's really going on. As in if the people objecting to certain sales threads are actually rival dealers (openly or secretly on Amazon etc). And this is just a way to bring other competitors down.

I was actually looking to buy a large hard drive and considered buying from that guy because the price was good. But his shady descriptions and then the arrogance in refusing to answer questions about source and packaging lead me to believe he's not legit. Of course some if not most people only care about getting cheap stuff and saving their money. I got my drive from Amazon during the sale so it kinda worked out.
I was just wondering if something like this is what's really going on. As in if the people objecting to certain sales threads are actually rival dealers (openly or secretly on Amazon etc). And this is just a way to bring other competitors down.

I was actually looking to buy a large hard drive and considered buying from that guy because the price was good. But his shady descriptions and then the arrogance in refusing to answer questions about source and packaging lead me to believe he's not legit. Of course some if not most people only care about getting cheap stuff and saving their money. I got my drive from Amazon during the sale so it kinda worked out.

Yes. I had brought this up earlier in some thread about people being jealous, etc. I have bought a high priced item from him Last year (2TB WD Blue SSD) and had zero problems. Communication was clear shipping was prompt, etc.
@JAK ^^^

Aren't you also a dealer ?
Yes Please read carefully what I have posted here

I have been keenly observing things going on around the OP.
I have also purchased stuff from OP in the past.
2x Sealed Seagate Skyhawk 4TB to be exact which I then sold on Amazon.
unfortunately the buyers sent the drives back as they turned out defective. I managed to get them replaced through seagate service centre.
So I conclude that the products he sells carry official manufacturer warranty.
Infact recently I had sent a msg to ganesh to buy above 6TB drives

now comes the twist;
The Seagate HDD sold by OP are imported by PramaHikvision.
I have a friend who works in a company which is actually a RD under PramaHikvision for seagate surveillance. when someone here in the forum raised doubts about the origin of HDD sold by ganesh I got curious and asked him to trace serial nos of the drives which I have purchased from ganesh and info i got was surprising.
The two drives which i bough from ganesh were shipped to two different states and to two different resellers and yet somehow surprisingly they managed to land together with ganesh in a third state.
Now it is upto everyone in this forum to arrive at their own conclusion.

Frankly I am neither in favour nor against ganesh.
Yes. I had brought this up earlier in some thread about people being jealous, etc. I have bought a high priced item from him Last year (2TB WD Blue SSD) and had zero problems. Communication was clear shipping was prompt, etc.
If you're talking about ganesh, then no, his communication is not proper, plus he's too arrogant and shouldn't be a seller in our community. We expect exemplary customer service from amazon etc. Why are we compromising on a random idiot in our marketplace? Especially when we have no guarantees about anything unlike amazon etc. who will support the buyer in case the seller is shady.

I had bought a pair of car speakers from a 3rd party seller on amazon because they were really cheap. Well they turned up in a very old tattered and torn box and the speakers had marks on them. Maybe not used in a car, but definitely demoed. Amazon promptly refunded the amount because i just returned saying they're defective. One speaker was actually not working properly.

Why should i expect less from a seller here?
Ganesh had 2 sealed units of seagate which he offered to me at insanely low prices. I saw an opportunity to make a fews bucks so i purchased from him and sold on amazon with a GST invoice.

When others here were raising doubts thats when i decided to investigate the above 2 units which ganesh sold to me.
I have posted my findings in an open and fair manner in below post.
I have never posted a single for sale thread in this forum in the last couple of years apart from two GO that too which i dropped as i was detected covid positive.
@JAK can you share the 2 dealers name that Prama hikvision billed the drives, Let's find out from them who they sold the drives.
I dont want to involve myself in this mess.
I only visit the this forum to see if anyone is selling any sealed stuff cheap (impulsive buyer getting rid of stuff they dont want)
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Ganesh had 2 sealed units of seagate which he offered to me at insanely low prices. I saw an opportunity to make a fews bucks so i purchased from him and sold on amazon with a GST invoice.

When others here were raising doubts thats when i decided to investigate the above 2 units which ganesh sold to me.
I have posted my findings in an open and fair manner in below post.
I have never posted a single for sale thread in this forum in the last couple of years apart from two GO that too which i dropped as i was detected covid positive.

I dont want to involve myself in this mess.
I only visit the this forum to see if anyone is selling any sealed stuff cheap (impulsive buyer getting rid of stuff they dont want)
How did you sell with gst invoice when you did not have purchase invoice
Ganesh had 2 sealed units of seagate which he offered to me at insanely low prices. I saw an opportunity to make a fews bucks so i purchased from him and sold on amazon with a GST invoice.

When others here were raising doubts thats when i decided to investigate the above 2 units which ganesh sold to me.
I have posted my findings in an open and fair manner in below post.
I have never posted a single for sale thread in this forum in the last couple of years apart from two GO that too which i dropped as i was detected covid positive.

I dont want to involve myself in this mess.
I only visit the this forum to see if anyone is selling any sealed stuff cheap (impulsive buyer getting rid of stuff they dont want)
What I asked u and what are u replying ?

I asked you about the dealers name that Hikvision billed the drives to lets find out how ganesh ended up buying the 2 drives from 2 different dealers.

How did you sell with gst invoice when you did not have purchase invoice

Thats how the Gst frauds being conducted, Basically they use gst input from other gst invoice for items which are not bought with proper GST Invoice.
How did you sell with gst invoice when you did not have purchase invoice
Let me explain the math
I bought 4Tb drives from him for 6K each if i remember correctly
I sold on amazon for 9799 each (8304+18% GST that is 1495)
amazon fees+shipping fees which are roughly 10% =970
so amazon actually paid me after adjusting fees/shipping etc = 9799-970 =8830
8830(Amazon payment)
less 1495(GST which i paid to govt by challan)
Balance = 7335
My profit is 7335-6000 = 1335 ( roughly 25% profit)

This is same as buying from a unregistered/composition dealer by a GST registered dealer
Here ganesh = unregistered/composition dealer
me = GST registered.
As long as the GST amount is accounted for there is no fraud.

Now if Ganesh buyers from say Mr. X without GST bill and later he sells it with GST bill then its no problem
but here in our forum ganesh resells the stuff without any tax invoice.

What I asked u and what are u replying ?

I asked you about the dealers name that Hikvision billed the drives to lets find out how ganesh ended up buying the 2 drives from 2 different dealers.

@rkkaranrk, I have already reply above in my post that I dont want to involve my self in this mess.

Please check our conversation screenshot which i have attached.
I always inform the seller that I want to make profit. Nothing is ever hidden from my side.


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If you're talking about ganesh, then no, his communication is not proper, plus he's too arrogant and shouldn't be a seller in our community. We expect exemplary customer service from amazon etc. Why are we compromising on a random idiot in our marketplace? Especially when we have no guarantees about anything unlike amazon etc. who will support the buyer in case the seller is shady.

I had bought a pair of car speakers from a 3rd party seller on amazon because they were really cheap. Well they turned up in a very old tattered and torn box and the speakers had marks on them. Maybe not used in a car, but definitely demoed. Amazon promptly refunded the amount because i just returned saying they're defective. One speaker was actually not working properly.

Why should i expect less from a seller here?

Man, I'm just telling you my experience with him. I am neither vouching for him or whatever the opposite of that is. I needed something quick and was getting it at a good rate. As long as it wasn't stolen of a truck/shop/someone's pc it doesn't concern me.

Also, this isn't Amazon so I don't understand your expectations about customer service.
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Thats how the Gst frauds being conducted, Basically they use gst input from other gst invoice for items which are not bought with proper GST Invoice
Wrong completely wrong.... You have zero knowledge about GST...
There is no harm in using input gst from other invoices because if excess GST is available the business owner can always claim refund of this GST from government...

Just confirmed the above with a friend who is a CA.. if you want you can also confirm with a CA
Below is the explaination recieved from my friend who is a CA

Say a Business buys and sells phones

they buy
1 phone @100+gst18%
GST input recieved is 18rs
sells the above
1 phone @200+gst18%
GST output required is 36rs

Now business has to pay the difference of 36-18 that's 18rs to government by way of challan.

During same year this business for office use
1 laptop @ 100+gst18%
GST input recieved is 18rs

So this business has now
18rs gst input(from purchase of mobile) plus
18rs gst input (from purchase of laptop)
18+18 that's 36rs input available with the business.

Now the business doesn't need to pay anything to govt coz
he has 36rs input gst available with them.
So 36 input - 36 output = 0

This is shown while filing the GST return
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Let me explain the math
I bought 4Tb drives from him for 6K each if i remember correctly
I sold on amazon for 9799 each (8304+18% GST that is 1495)
amazon fees+shipping fees which are roughly 10% =970
so amazon actually paid me after adjusting fees/shipping etc = 9799-970 =8830
8830(Amazon payment)
less 1495(GST which i paid to govt by challan)
Balance = 7335
My profit is 7335-6000 = 1335 ( roughly 25% profit)

This is same as buying from a unregistered/composition dealer by a GST registered dealer
Here ganesh = unregistered/composition dealer
me = GST registered.
As long as the GST amount is accounted for there is no fraud.

Now if Ganesh buyers from say Mr. X without GST bill and later he sells it with GST bill then its no problem
but here in our forum ganesh resells the stuff without any tax invoice.

@rkkaranrk, I have already reply above in my post that I dont want to involve my self in this mess.

Please check our conversation screenshot which i have attached.
I always inform the seller that I want to make profit. Nothing is ever hidden from my side.
Once you replied to the said thread you already involved yourself in it, BTW why you want to hide the dealers name Hikvision billed the drives to let us find us how they ended up with ganesh.

Or are you trying to hide something from us ?

Wrong completely wrong.... You have zero knowledge about GST...
There is no harm in using input gst from other invoices because if excess GST is available the business owner can always claim refund of this GST from government...

Just confirmed the above with a friend who is a CA.. if you want you can also confirm with a CA
Below is the explaination recieved from my friend who is a CA

Go ask your teacher what if his customers sell stuff in cash do they show that in GST returns or they on purpose hide it to keep that GST for items purchased without paying GST.

As for claiming GST i recently claimed GST on couple of cellphones laptop so that nothing new.
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our teacher what if his customers sell stuff in cash do they show that in GST returns or they on purpose hide it to keep that GST for items purchased without paying GST.

As for claiming GST i recently claimed GST on couple of cellphones laptop so that nothing new.
You are talking about a completely different thing and simply confusing yourself and the rest of us...

The topic here is about buying something without bill and then selling it without bill....
The seller is probably illegally acquiring the items and then selling these items which he legally doesn't own to unsuspecting buyers...
Ganesh is evading GST on the profit component as well as evading income tax on the profit.
You are talking about a completely different thing and simply confusing yourself and the rest of us...

The topic here is about buying something without bill and then selling it without bill....
The seller is probably illegally acquiring the items and then selling these items which he legally doesn't own to unsuspecting buyers...
Ganesh is evading GST on the profit component as well as evading income tax on the profit.

So who decided that he illegally acquired the stuff ? I'm asking Jak for the said sellers Hikvision sold the drives to but he is not ready to share their details of the sellers lets find out from them how he got the drives.

So are you going to rake care of him evading tax gst/income tax ? What about other sellers here on the forum, There are plenty of members who are using this platform for their business one of them is Jak but he only buys stuff with lowballing asking he need to make profit selling after selling it.

As for me going off topic there was a post regarding GST I just shared how these so called SELLER CHEAT the Gov.

I thing everyone missed the above post.

I am now 100% sure .....that the products sold by @ganesh have been obtained from Amazon/Flipkart by committing fraud(keeping original products and sending back used products and claiming refund)
m happy that that fraud is banned even though its for another reason.
Jak why are you acting like a coward ...

Answer the above question.
How to trace the distributor/importer/seller via the serial number ?
Man, I'm just telling you my experience with him. I am neither vouching for him or whatever the opposite of that is. I needed something quick and was getting it at a good rate. As long as it wasn't stolen of a truck/shop/someone's pc it doesn't concern me.

Also, this isn't Amazon so I don't understand your expectations about customer service.
But that's exactly what I'm trying to point out. We don't know if it's stolen or otherwise illegally acquired. Maybe it was unscrupulously acquired from the hikvision supplier. (I've seen one of our vendor partner's engineer coolly pocket an HBA which came with one of our servers in the DC, because we weren't going to use it since we had our own. Obviously he's not going to use it in his home PC, and would still it on eBay/Amazon). And on asking him the source, packaging etc. details, he's too arrogant to give a straight and honest answer. Meaning there's something crooked about the whole deal/seller.

And about Amazon you're right, i don't expect their levels of customer service here, i expect MORE honesty than an Amazon seller.
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