Serial Blasts in Mumbai !

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Really atrocious & inhumane act which no sane person can justify whatever there cause or motivations.

I just hope & prey that all TE members & there relatives & friends are safe & sound.
Just called my sis... after looong time got the line and man i am relieved....
Hope n pray the human loss is less... and damn bomber gets caught...
i guess this is only the begining more will be comming....politians always create diversions like these to get media and other attention off them (recent statue insult, Rain Havocs etc....)...last time they used avain flu to get media off their back even delhi docs had confimed tht they didnt find avain flus in mumbai chicken they had said it was the regular flu tht affect the chickens on yearly basis....tht matter was hushed up later on :@

these guys will never improve moreover i dont understand y people vote in the first place till date i have seen few polititians closely and none i mean none are good or newhere near it...if u people say they have done this and that then i have to say only one thing u know $hit about political tactics....the closest advice would be go watch V for vedetta :P thats the true color of every polititian...
Nikhil said:
Do you really think they need a reason ??
They must have been feeling bored, so they thought it would be fun blowing up a crowded train and kill a few people.***** **** ***!!!!!!!!!!!:@ :@ :@

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There has to be a reason for them to take up such a big risk... May be it will sound silly to blow a railways station for tht reason... But still a reason gotta be there...
Really sad news. Star News says >100 ppl Recorded dead @ 8.30pm. Might have climbed 120. Ewww those poor ppl. They might be returning home from a busy n frustating working day. N they ended up like this. I pray for "Soul pease" to all dead ones. I hope all TE members n their relatives are safe.

Go *********************. :@ :@ :@

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jus came frm kurla...real chaos here.......

anyways...humble request to all mumbaities......if possible maintain disclipine stuff in your area......
pls request to remain calm......

the point behind blast is to create riot

2 days bak ss stuff now this stuff....

so plz try best to maintain discipline in the city..............

and rip to all the victims............
note :::some pune member confirm plz whether blast occured there too??????
friedclyde said:

No war can save the world only peace and love!
What bull.

Peace ? Isn't that the ghissa pitta policy we've been following !???

You corrupt b******s(see Politicians) do something good for a change ! Give the army marching orders to destroy all the terrorist camps.

Get them before they get you !!!
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Saale sulle mussalle back in action!Throw 'em all into pakistan or drown 'em in the sea as Thackeray suggested- thats only the solution.Even concentration camps like America had for the Japanese will be good.Islam is a cancer.
sad.. I'm losin more and more faith in humanity. hope all the injured get well soon and all the souls of the dead rest in peace.
undertaker said:
Saale sulle mussalle back in action!Throw 'em all into pakistan or drown 'em in the sea as Thackeray suggested- thats only the solution.Even concentration camps like America had for the Japanese will be good.Islam is a cancer.

Dude people like you should be executed, racist!
OMG , I was studying for my exams , This is Really shocking News !! Who could be behind all this ~ Dawood ? Pakistan ? Osama ? This Really sucks ! :| I Hope all TE members r Fine ! :(
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No such incidents in Pune.So everything is pretty ok over here.Also Pune isnt known to be a City that can be easily shaken by riots and stuff.People try to disrupt things but generally people dont heed to such hooliganism.I sincerely hope Pune stays that way.

May all the people who lost their lives Rest In Peace.Justice will be done.If not by us humans,then you know by whom.
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