Setting up Asus WL-520gU


Hi guys,
Last week I got my MTNL tri band connection with their wireless router. Till date, no down time (touch wood) but MTNL router has a poor range. After reading a lot of good things about Asus WL-520gU on techenclave, I bought it yesterday primarily to download torrents and to improve wireless range. I am new to wireless networking and would need your advice in setting up this router. The following information should help you guys in advising me:
1. MTNL router has four RJ 45 ports but only two can be used for LAN and the other two are for VOIP and IPTV (told by MTNL guy) and one USB port.
2. ASUS router has one WAN port, four LAN ports & one USB port.
3. I’ll be using my cell & laptop on wireless network and two desktops on wired network.

How do I connect the two routers? And from the list of security options available on asus router which one would you suggest for secure my wireless connection?

After successfully setting up the network I’ll flash Asus router to download torrents…will need your help on that later.

Your advice will be very helpful. Thanks in advance.

1. connect lan port from MTNL router to WAN port of Asus
2. connect lan 1/2 from Asus to desktop 1 and 2 (alternately you can connect 1 desktop to MTNL router lan port 2)
3. configure Wireless setup on Asus - SSID with WPA2. - That can be used by phones with WiFI and laptops.

I have a similar setup with tata indicomm broadband cable modem with a dlink dir 300 router with one dekstop always connected and 1 laptop and 1 netbook and one e72 connecting over wireless. Have fun.

You might run into some trouble during the IP setup - let us know how it goes.
Dont mean to hijack your thread but even i'm concidering buying this router for my MTNL Triband. I actually want to know how you would setup the Torrent thingy since I cant seem to find a definite 'guide' of sorts for this.

@harly_o2........ how much did you get the router for?
Hey Homer, sorry for the late reply I was really tied up with work.....logged in on TE after a month. I bought the router for 2800 (i know i paid more than the market price). Anyways, today i managed to flashed Asus WL520gu to DD-WRT and i'm planning to install transmission bit torrent + HDD tomorrow.
Will keep you posted.

Need your help. I have connected both the routers through LAN port using a cross cable. I can access net through wireless connection from either router and wired connection on MTNL router works fine only if the asus router is turned off and i cannot use wired connection from ASUS router. I guess this is due to ip conflict. I have tried the below settings but no luck.

MTNL's Wireless ADSL =
Asus WL 520GU =

Should i set a static ip address for one or both the router from windows? Plz help.

Thanks in advance

Thats because both your MTNL modem and Asus router are trying to assign a IP to your PC.

I have a similar setup except I have the old UT Starcom modems. Here's what I did.....put the modem in bridge mode (IP- the modem in the WAN port of the Asus .... connected the PC to LAN 1 of the Asus (IP- which is changed myself to avoid a conflict)........Now setup your PPPoE in the Asus (username/password) and set DHCP to Auto..........That's it! Oh, and make sure evrything is set to Auto in you Local Area Connection.

Now your modem will act as a bridge which means the Asus will directly connect to the MTNL server and will Auto assign an IP to your PC, laptop, phone, etc. IT works flawlessly. BTW instead of DD-WRT, I would say try Oleg's latest firmware. I personally found it to be better and many people would would also recommend this. Let us know how it goes.
The last time i checked dd-wrt had problems with usb 2.0 in WL520GU. I am using Olegs firmware and have installed transmission, samba etc. Everything works, but the router really lacks horsepower to run multiple applications.

It is not advisable to start multiple torrent downloads on this as the router will freeze, not sure whether it is due to usb storage issues or due to too many connections.

best of luck

I tried 2 at the same time, but it freezed. I could not do a detailed testing however. I am planning to run samba from xinetd, to see whether the saved memory and processing power will help the multiple torrent download.

Maybe by this weekend I will be able to provide more details.

I tried multiple torrents after stopping samba service. It seems to be fine with 3 torrents each connected to around 10 peers. It will be nice if a few people can validate this observation


I have succeeded in installing PPPoE and i'm able to use internet on my ASUS router. Now, i am trying to install optwares by following Optware, the Right Way - DD-WRT Wiki I have successfully mounted the flash drive (8gb) and i'm able to ping (as per the guide) but in the next step where i enter wget -O /tmp/prep_optware and then sh /tmp/prep_optware i get an error saying sh: can't open /tmp/prep_optware Screen shot attached for your reference. Whats going wrong here????

Thanks in advance.



  • Optwares.jpg
    211.9 KB · Views: 234
Not too sure dude, like I said I havn't tried any Optware yet. It sounds like it's trying to install the Optware from that path but dosent find anything in that folder. What is the link beside the first command for? Try including the URL as well, else it wouldn't have been mentioned in that box.

You are not typing the whole syntax to get optware

After you have tested for internet connectivity by pinging, you need to type the whole syntax which is in quotes here:

"wget -O /tmp/prep_optware"

Press enter and the router will get the optware installation script.

Then type: "sh /tmp/prep_optware"

Once this is done, you're set.

BTW, looking at your ping times, I am warning you, you will have problems. Are you downloading something in the background? If you are, I suggest you stop your downloads first and then install optware.

Yesterday, I installed optware again on my router using this same method and it works without any issues. No problems whatsoever. On my line, my ping times were between 120 to 200 ms and 0% packet loss and it took me just over 20 minutes for the install.
Yep you guys are right, i forgot to include the url in my command :stup1: Now i have included the url and its working.....downloads are in progress. I'll update you once it is complete. BTW thanks Sumit for reminding me to stop other downloads i forgot to turn off my bit torrent :ashamed:


"frater's script" whats that???

Thanks everyone for helping.