Severe performance drop in vista 64

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w1nD said:
try :) select and download updates :)

thanks for this dude.. reps.. It really helped me in getting back vista upto date after reinstallation.. saved time and bandwidth

vishalrao said:
@bublez: you installed back to vista x64? what about crysis frame rates?

Yes I formatted and reinstalled vista 64. I willl test crysis today and post.. But my 3dmark06 and vantage marks are close to 21K and 10K respectively as in XP 32. But it would have been good to know what caused this.. But didnt have the patience and time

alsiladka said:
If thats your review for XP x64, then you should immediately upgrade to Vista x64. Much much better in terms of driver support, app compatibility and response as compared to XP x64. And if your system has x64 drivers for XP, then they shall be available for Vista too!
More than an year back!! Works as smooth as before, only you download the hotfixes from your computer for the first time. Then you can carry it around.

Yep +1. XP 64 had lots of driver and compatibility issues and it was better for me to install vista x64
buBleZ said:

thanks for this dude.. reps.. It really helped me in getting back vista upto date after reinstallation.. saved time and bandwidth

hehe glad to hear that it helped you :)
manpreetsingh46 said:
dude its not your hardware or vista64bit issue its the corrupted version or vista 64 you downloaded

I dont think so.. Because I reinstalled vista with the same version CD i had and it has resolved my issue.
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