Somewhere around 10 working days, price 300-350 bucks per piece.Time and price please
Somewhere around 10 working days, price 300-350 bucks per piece.
on aliexpress there is a plug and play solution but for that price, you may aswell buy a internet based kvm switch.Ugh my bad, just realized that this you had clarified my doubts earlier and that this would involve too much work for me to get running on my own. I need a plug and play solution I think.
aliexpress. it is called blikvm or something of that sort
Waiting list and super high price!
seems like only 2 of us need this. Anyone else is interested please respond - we may still have GO.Yes, I would be interested too!
Interested in thisseems like only 2 of us need this. Anyone else is interested please respond - we may still have GO.