Shocking news

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Lol no wonder havent seen him playing cs for ages, and i guess hes gonna be too busy to play these days ;) Congrats justin, have a great life :D

btw switch, what news?
Nikhil said:
Why ?? :S :S Will he be practising Judo or Taekwondo or Karate with his wife :rofl: :rofl:
:rofl: I was laughing like insane after reading this...seriously its too funny.

But congrats Justin ! Have a great (w)/life
It's no Hoax. It's true.

I dont visit TE anymore, but just came here to thank all you guys for your wishes. :)

BTW: I am still figuring out about the - Martial, Marital and Martian - mystery. :P

Thanks again guys.
Congrats pal.

@Nikhil, Made my day pal. :rofl: Was so bloody difficult to control myself from bursting out laughing at office.
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