Hope all is sorted now

Apolgies for this inconvenience[
QUOTE=vbhoj74;1741933]Hi ShopnShip!
I've similar issue of improper tax categorization leading to escalation of duties even after notifying you guys well in advance proper customs code applicable for the incoming material. I see that you guys only understand phones and not a true logistics company. I refer here two such similar recent cases that has happened with me :
Case-I :
Airway Bill No. 9111691352
Mini-PCI COMPEX WLM54G 23dBm 200mW (Mini-PCI wireless card)
1. 25-Oct-12: Notified Anuradha with the invoice of the purchase of a PCI wifi card and that it will hit my US account soon.
2. 25-Oct-12: Anuradha forwarded the mail to Hassan to take care and he asked me for AWB #
3. 25-Oct-12: I intimated Hassan (CC to Anuradha) that the material will fall under 16% (approx) duty structure with details as
85176100 (here) with description "
Other apparatus for transmission or reception of voice, images or other data, including apparatus for communication in a wired or wireless network (such as a local or wide area network): Base stations"
4. 27-Oct-12: Package hit my account and I updated Anuradha & Hassan with AWB #.
5. 29-Oct-12: Hassant Sent me an Acknowledgment mail for receipt of AWB#
6. 29-Oct-12: I see in my account that the package marked as "ELECTRONICS"
I instantly wrote to Hassan intimating that the package has wrongly marked and may fall into higher duty bracket.
He wrote back same day saying that he has informed his import team.
7. 30-Oct-12: The package gets cleared by Customs under "ELECTRONICS" and around 30%+ duty category.
I intimated to Anuradha & Hassan & expressed my displeasure of no rectification even after keeping them updated from day 1.
Hassan writes back asking "
What is the actual commodity in PCI??"
I do not understand what is his query about now when he was supposed to raise any queries earlier if not understood of the category or package.
Still I replied and referred previous mail where I had intimated them of proper category. I also told them that I'm not going to pay the extra duty for no fault of mine.
8. 31-Oct-12: Wrote to both Hassan & Anuradha couple of mails since morning today asking for updates, but no response.
SnS please note, I'm not going to pay a single penny extra, so you need to rectify you act before sending the delivery boy at by door steps asking me for the reimbursement. The actual duty should come around Rs 910 (approx) and not Rs 1558 as mentioned by you.
Airway Bill No.9109525121
Item: Sports Resistance bands with instructions on DVD.
Month: Sep 2012.
Same communication happened, I intimated well in advance that a proper customs category should be
95069190 "Articles and equipment for general physical exercise, gymnastics or athletics: Other" with attracts 16% duty, but you guys had put it in DVD category with 30% duty. Later you waved that extra duty for me and took corrective steps on time, very unlike this time.
SnS, I fail to understand, why is that you guys cant take care of proper duty categorization specially when intimated in advance ?
EDIT: 01-11-2012 SnS has said they will rever back with updated duty by EOD.
EDIT: 02-11-2012 I refused to take the delivery of the shipment by paying incorrect duty yesterday evening and still await SnS to revert back on corrected duty.
Sent them another reminder mail today morning. Dont know why they attempted to deliver when I told them that I'll not accept the package
with absurd duty structure.
EDIT: 03-11-2012 Spoke to Anuradha on phone, she was extremely polite and accepted the technical glitch in their system of incorrect categorization. She has assured a favorable resolution by today or Monday.
EDIT: 03-11-2012 The issue has been closed & I've received the shipment. Thank you Anuradha for reviewing the duty and closing the issue. We need a mechanism so that the duty categorization at the source country happens properly in consultation with the buyer, I for one dont mind waiting couple of days more so that I pay proper duty rates. [/QUOTE]
- - - Updated - - -
Mostly for mobiles the customs value it at the MRP
Please email us teh AWB number so that we can send you the Bill of entry for the same for further clarity
QUOTE=itzmydamnlyf;1743233]got an iphone through sns. Invoice forwarded for customs was 385$. The value assessed was Rs. 30,000 and total customs was Rs. 730
Why was i charged for Rs. 30,000 when invoice clearly says 385$?
Kindly explain this.[/QUOTE]