rock8549 said:
any reason why u think it is worse then even milestone ? slower processor ? smaller screen ? not good looking ? customer service is missing ?
can u please specify your reason. have u used xperia x10 and what did u dislike about it?
Hmmm..... Let me specify for u.....
I am currently using the Milestone. I chose it over the Desire & the N1 only coz it came with warranty & the other two didn't have a warranty. As & when they are launched with a warranty, I'll shift to them.
I don't own the X10 but have used it for a few hours.
Now, the processor of the X10 is NOT Slow. But 1.6 is a pain. Also, that Timescape thing (like vista Flip window scrolling) is a real resource hogger. U'll have a noticeable slowdown when using it.
Moreover, we are getting 2.1 'in the later part of 2010'.....!! When exactly? After the world has moved over to 2.2??
Screen is good. No issues with it. But so are the screens of the other 3 phones I mentioned as alternatives.
Not good looking? Hell YES!! Compare the looks of the X10 with the Nexus 1 or the Desire & u know what I mean. Even the Milestone looks better.
Customer Service is not such a big issue. The problem is spare parts availability. SE phones are not built up really well IMHO. And u don't get panels, keypads etc very easily; even if u do get them, they cost a bomb. Consider the chrome on SE phones. It wears off in 2-3 months. If u consider Samsung or HTC, they have really solid chrome detailing that lasts for years.
The last SE phone I owned was the w700i & the trouble (read spare parts unavailable) it caused me made me swear never to use another SE again!!!
Also, I have heard that Battery life is a serious issue with the X10. Heard it barely lasts a day with moderate use.
But all of the above is my opinion. I might be wrong at places; I am human afterall! But yes, I won't buy a X10 even at half the price.
I am waiting out for the Desire or the N1 to let go off my Milestone.