^ Excellent texturing and pretty decent lighting. However those rocks there look very hastily duplicated and shifted a little bit, move/rotate them a bit so they look more random. Also try blurring the floor texture as it seems a little too sharp.
The tut had nothing on smoke/dynamics?
Thanks for the feedback.
You're right about the environment not getting much love. It was kinda hacked together just to have something for the model to sit in. I'll really need to go into environment modeling & texturing in depth. But I'm keeping that for later.
As for the ground bump, when I was testing it with low anti aliasing settings, it looked about right. But after bumping up the settings, I agree that it is way off! Something I need to be aware of the next time around.
The tut only was for the modeling. The rest was what I've learned over time. In fact, the texturing was achieved with a technique I tried out for the 1st time, viz. through projections without unwrapping, thanks to Neil Blevins & his soulburn scripts.
What it also meant though was that I struggled getting it to work on every object exactly the way I wanted. For instance, I couldn't get the dirt & grime to work on the front-most, smaller wheel & the ladder.
As for dynamics, I know what you're getting at. Some steam from the funnel & around the wheels, dust particles in the environment etc. would have added a lot. But again, I've kept learning all of that for later. I'm currently concentrating on hard surface modeling & texturing. In the mean time, I'm also learning (trying to, anyway) human anatomy. Bit by bit I'll move towards modeling & texturing organic forms in Zbrush etc. & take it form there.
..... At least that's the plan,
Again, thanks for the feedback. I'd also appreciate any further tips or advice. It's all welcome.