Show Off Your Cable Management

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Lol :P...I'll tried to bend it but the 24pin connector is there just behind it,its actually difficult to do that and was seriously exhausted just after coming from tution and tying so many cables at the back :P but will try it again. Thanks.
Haha lol. Yeah a lot of the newer boards don't come with an IDE connector.

Btw, I forgot to ask in my last post, how is your PC running without connecting the ATX power connector and ram sticks? :P

But very well done I must say! Very clean. I haven't been able to manage as well as I would like with my NZXT Gamma. :( But then, the way I want it would require a much better cabinet. :P Will look into it again when I open it for cleaning.
Oi they are not Disconnected See it closely here:

ATX cable is behind the flat IDE cable,SATA is taken from behind the mobo and My ram is Kingston one very-very small in height. Like seriously thin. Also there is floppy drive there which i have obv. not connected.

Now don't say you have a floppy drive in your system. :P I will buy a Card Reader maybe in 3-4days and replace that with the floppy drive. .

BTW this is called management dude...haha :bleh:

And Thanks. :)
Yeah I saw the SATA cable later.

The hidden ATX connector is very difficult to see. :P

After looking very closely in a couple of pics, I think I can see the RAM! :O I think if the pic was taken from a better cam, I might have been able to see it better.

Is that a single stick of 8GB? Coz I won't believe you if you say the second slot has a RAM stick as well. :P

Anyways, as I said, really good work!
No-No actually that is a single 4GB stick. The other 4GB i have not inserted yet as it's of no use because i haven't formatted my system after the upgrade,I am still on a 32bit system right now and will format it after the necessary backup is done. Maybe not even then,I think after i buy a GPU. Till then 3.25GB is enough for me. :) and Thanks man.

P.S- Don't say anything to the picture quality :no: as it was taken from my iPod Touch 4G 32GB which is on sale! It will affect my sale man.! :P
Yes I remember :) ... Actually I have done some cable management in my rig too. would post some pics later...
Altair said:
Thanks Guys. :)
Also...chirag,you helped me on that siggy thing. remember? Just PM me if you need any help. :)
^ Yeah unused cables are a pain to put away in the Gamma when you have PSUs like VX450/550, especially when you have more hard drives. You can put them in the Hdd cage as you have already done I think.

The Gamma is simply great with cable management for the price, but I still crave for a little more space. It should have had a little more distance between the side panel and motherboard tray and a couple of more holes to move the cables around.

I'll post a pic of my cabinet tomorrow.
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